Audio project manager tool
StudioRack command line tool to manage audio DAW VST plugin dependencies.
To install the tool, run the command:
npm install @studiorack/cli -g
Verify the tool has been installed by running:
studiorack --version
Check the default configuration by running:
studiorack config get pluginFolder
studiorack config get projectFolder
If you need to adjust change using:
studiorack config set pluginFolder "path/to/plugins"
studiorack config set projectFolder "path/to/projects"
List the projects found in projectFolder using:
studiorack project listLocal
Install a project's plugins using:
studiorack project install <project-id>
Then open the project using:
studiorack project open <project-id>
Creating a new project configuration
You can create a new studiorack project .json file using:
studiorack project create <project-id>
This will create a studiorack .json file with your configuration:
"id": "example",
"author": "studiorack-user",
"homepage": "https://studiorack.github.io/studiorack-site/",
"name": "StudioRack Project",
"description": "Created using StudioRack",
"repo": "songs/april",
"tags": [
"version": "1.0.0",
"date": "2021-05-30T21:58:39.138Z",
"type": {
"name": "Ableton",
"ext": "als"
"files": {
"audio": {
"name": "example.wav",
"size": 1902788
"image": {
"name": "example.png",
"size": 16360
"project": {
"name": "example.als",
"size": 253018
"plugins": {},
"path": "songs/april",
"status": "installed"
For a full list of commands use:
studiorack --help
Finding, adding and removing plugins
Search the plugin registry using:
studiorack plugin search delay
Add a plugin and update project.json config using:
studiorack project install <project-id> <plugin-id>
Remove a plugin and update project.json config using:
studiorack plugin uninstall <project-id> <plugin-id>
Creating and publishing a plugin
Create a new plugin using the starter template:
studiorack plugin create myplugin --type steinberg
Follow the instructions at ./myplugin/README.md to install and build your plugin
Validate your plugin:
studiorack validate ./myplugin/build/VST3/Release/myplugin.vst3
Convert and enrich validator report metadata into json:
studiorack validate ./myplugin/build/VST3/Release/myplugin.vst3 --json
Scan multiple plugins at the same time using wildcard selectors:
studiorack validate "./myplugin/build/VST3/Release/**/*.{vst,vst3}" --json
When ready to release, commit your plugin to GitHub and ensure it is tagged with a topic:
Then it should appear in the GitHub topic search and API:
StudioRack registry updates once a day at midnight UTC, which will make your plugin available via our API at:
Developer information
StudioRack Cli was built using:
- NodeJS 20.x
- TypeScript 5.x
- Commander 12.x
Install dependencies using:
npm install
Run a build and link the studiorack
command line to this local package:
npm run dev:cli
Test using normal commands:
studiorack --version
To publish and release changes and create a version tag using:
npm version patch
git push && git push origin --tags
npm publish
For more information please contact kmturley