Svelte Component Testing assistance for Luna
phobos is a set of helper functions meant to be used in conjunction with Svelte and Luna.
I've heard of Svelte, but Luna..?
Me either -- until I stumbled across their GitHub repo and their blog post. For my purposes, this is ticking all the boxes for a front-end/component testing framework -- it should support modern JS (in the form of ESM), it shouldn't have to shim/polyfill browser behavior on node (Luna utilizes Puppeteer for proper in-browser execution), and it should be low hassle to start using (in Luna's own words, it "has no configuration options or plugins. ... it will not work for every use case, but it is designed to work very well in many cases")
I created phobos as a way to wrap up what I felt were commonly used behaviors when testing my own projects (and in the spirit of Luna, phobos is tested with Luna itself)
Getting Started
Find your Svelte project of choice, and make sure you have Luna installed. Then you can add phobos to your dev dependencies:npm i -D @studiokeywi/phobos
Inside your test files, you can then import any phobos helper function as required. Then, you can use your components and helper function(s) inside your Luna tests:
import { runComponentTest, DOMTools } from '@studiokeywi/phobos';
import Dummy from '../lib/components/Dummy.svelte';
const component = { Component: Dummy };
export function testDummy(t) {
const test = ({ target }) => {
const DOM = DOMTools(target);
t.assert(target.html() === '<p>dummy</p>');
runComponentTest(component, test);