Smart contracts for Streamr Network (ethers.js v6)
Streamr Network contracts
Solidity files plus Typescript interfaces for the Streamr Network smart contracts.
This package is a clean-break recreated Hardhat project that uses ethers.js version 6. It is a release candidate for @streamr/network-contracts (if all goes well).
Listed by file path:
- StreamRegistry: Streams are added here along with metadata how to join them
- NodeRegistry: Storage nodes can register themselves here
- StreamStorageRegistry: Connects storage nodes to streams that they store
- OperatorTokenomics: Operator and Sponsorship contracts that govern how to pay for better service in the Network, and how to get paid for providing it
- Spoiler: you '''sponsor''' streams by deploying a Sponsorship and sending DATA tokens to it, and operators '''stake''' into that Sponsorship to receive that DATA over time
- if operators stake but don't actually provide service, they get kicked out and their stake gets slashed
- additionally, 3rd parties can '''delegate''' their DATA tokens to the Operator contracts and receive a share of the operator's earnings. This way the operator gets more DATA to stake to more Sponsorships, in order to more fully utilize their network resources to earn more DATA.
Usage from Typescript
Snippet from the Operator client:
import { operatorABI, sponsorshipABI } from "@streamr/network-contracts"
import type { Operator, Sponsorship } from "@streamr/network-contracts"
const contract = new Contract(operatorContractAddress, operatorABI, this.provider) as unknown as Operator
contract.on("Staked", async (sponsorship: string) => {
log(`got Staked event ${sponsorship}`)