🔭 ObservableObject
A TypeScript library that provides an observable state object with event-based subscriptions to changes at any nested path within the object, using eventemitter3
🌟 Features
- 🔍 Deep Subscription: Subscribe to changes on any lodash-like path within your state object.
- 🔄 Partial and Full Updates: Update the state object entirely or partially with ease.
- 🪶 Lightweight: Built with minimal dependencies for efficient performance.
- 📘 TypeScript Support: Fully typed for better developer experience.
- 🚀 High Performance: Leverages
for fast event handling.
📦 Installation
Install the package via npm:
npm install @streamerson/emitter
Or using yarn:
yarn add @streamerson/emitter
🚀 Quick Start
import { ObservableObject } from '@streamerson/emitter';
// Create an observable object
const state = new ObservableObject({
user: { name: 'Alice', age: 30 },
isLoggedIn: false
// Subscribe to changes
state.subscribe('user.name', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`Name changed: ${oldValue} -> ${newValue}`);
// Update the state via JSON Text
state.update('{ "user": { "name": "Bob" } }');
// Update the state via JSON:
state.update({ user: { name: 'Bob' } });
📘 Usage Guide
Importing the Module
import { ObservableObject } from '@streamerson/emitter';
Creating an Observable Object
Initialize your state with any nested structure of primitives, arrays, or dictionaries:
const state = new ObservableObject({
user: {
name: 'Alice',
age: 30,
hobbies: ['reading', 'hiking']
settings: {
theme: 'dark',
notifications: true
isLoggedIn: false
Text versus JSON API
The update methods accept text and JSON. Text is probably the more blessed path because:
- It guarantees no circularity errors, which will be thrown on objects with circular references
- To guarantee the above, we text-serialize and reparse all incoming objects.
- This has negative performance implications for large objects, so updating from text is safer
- This lets you avoid serializing messages if they are safe to merge into client states
Subscribing to Changes
Subscribe to changes on any path using lodash-like syntax:
// Subscribe to changes on 'user.name'
state.subscribe('user.name', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`User name changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);
// Subscribe to changes in the entire user object
state.subscribe('user', (newUser, oldUser) => {
console.log('User object changed:', newUser);
// Subscribe to changes in an array
state.subscribe('user.hobbies', (newHobbies, oldHobbies) => {
console.log('Hobbies updated:', newHobbies);
// Subscribe to any change in the state
state.subscribe('*', (newState) => {
console.log('State changed:', newState);
// Subscribe to some change in the state, with exclusions
state.subscribe('*', (newState) => {
console.log('State changed:', newState);
}, { exclude: ['some.path'] });
Updating the State
You can update the state partially or entirely:
// Partial update
user: {
name: 'Bob',
hobbies: [...state.get('user.hobbies'), 'swimming']
// Full update
user: {
name: 'Charlie',
age: 25,
hobbies: ['coding']
settings: {
theme: 'light',
notifications: false
isLoggedIn: true
Deleting the state:
To delete records from the state, you should use null
, not undefined. Namely, this is because not all platforms handle the serialization of undefined
the same and many will strip it from the JSON of a sent record.
If you send undefined
, for compatibility, we will entirely ignore it. null
however will remove the object from the tracked state.
state.update({ abc: 123 })
state.update({ abc: undefined })
state.get('abc') === 123 // true
state.update({ abc: null })
state.get('abc') === undefined // true
Retrieving State Values
Use the get
method to retrieve values from the state:
const userName = state.get('user.name');
console.log('Current user name:', userName);
const userHobbies = state.get('user.hobbies');
console.log('User hobbies:', userHobbies);
🛠 API Reference
new ObservableObject<T>(initialState
: The initial state object.
| Method | Description |
| subscribe(path: string, listener: (newValue: any, oldValue?: any) => void): void
| Subscribes to changes at a specific path. |
| update(partialState: Partial<T>): void
| Partially updates the state object. |
| set(newState: T): void
| Replaces the entire state object. |
| get(path: string): any
| Retrieves the value at the specified path. |
EventEmitter Methods
extends EventEmitter
from eventemitter3
, providing these additional methods:
| Method | Description |
| on(event: string \| symbol, listener: Function): this
| Adds a listener for the event. |
| off(event: string \| symbol, listener: Function): this
| Removes a listener for the event. |
| once(event: string \| symbol, listener: Function): this
| Adds a one-time listener for the event. |
| emit(event: string \| symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean
| Triggers all listeners for the specified event. |
🧪 Testing
The library is tested using Node.js native testing modules (node:test
). To run the tests:
npm run test
Or, if you prefer to run specific test files:
tsx --test ./tests/emitter.happy.test.ts
tsx --test ./tests/emitter.sad.test.ts
- I'd like to get AJV (or the like) in as a schematized option for verified state data
- Needs some more tests
- Other Stuff
🤝 Contributing
Contributions are welcome and appreciated! Here's how you can contribute:
- Fork & PR
Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and all tests pass before submitting a PR.