This is the adapter library to use for integration with the Streambird Solana wallet adapter.
This is the adapter library to use for integration with the Streambird Solana wallet adapter.
Getting Started
The steps required to create this library is below:
npm install
npm run build
# or
yarn install
yarn build
Main Class
The class methods and properties can be seen below which utilizes the Solana wallet adapter wallet base classes.
class StreambirdWalletAdapter extends BaseMessageSignerWalletAdapter {
name: WalletName;
url: string;
icon: string;
constructor({ params }?: StreambirdWalletAdapterConfig);
get publicKey(): PublicKey | null;
get connecting(): boolean;
get connected(): boolean;
get readyState(): WalletReadyState;
connect(): Promise<void>;
disconnect(): Promise<void>;
signTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Promise<Transaction>;
signAllTransactions(transactions: Transaction[]): Promise<Transaction[]>;
signMessage(message: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>;