A simple ORM for validating and storing data in PouchDB
Pouchdb ORM
This is a simple ORM/ODM for storing and fetching data in PouchDB using Zod for schema definition and validation.
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb'
import pouchFind from 'pouchdb-find'
import {z} from 'zod'
import {Collection} from '@strangebytes/pouchdb-orm'
const pouchDB = new PouchDB('example')
// All schema's require _id and _rev
const baseSchema = z.object({
_id: z.string(),
_rev: z.string().optional()
const exampleSchema = baseSchema.extend({
foo: z.string(),
const exampleCollection = new Collection(pouchDB, 'example', exampleSchema)
// Create a document
const {ok, id, rev} = await exampleCollection.put({
_id: 'hello',
foo: 'bar',
// Update a document by specifying id and revision
await exampleCollection.put({
_id: id,
_rev: rev,
foo: 'baz',
// Find documents in a collection
// See documentation in PouchDB/CouchDB for querying
// https://pouchdb.com/api.html#query_index
const examples = await exampleCollection.find()
// Find a document
const example = await exampleCollection.findById('hello')
// Update an existing document without needing to manually pass a revision
await exampleCollection.update({
_id: 'hello',
foo: 'something else',
// Remove a document by ID
await exampleCollection.removeById('hello')
Under the hood
This project aims to be as lightweight of a wrapper around PouchDB as is possible. Collections add a type of "$collection" in order to enable querying by collection, and that's about it.
- [x] Creating documents with validation
- [x] Fetching documents with validation
- [ ] Support Mango queries
- [ ] Migration System
- [ ] Fancy data viewer
- [ ] Graceful error handling