Solidity Contracts to get Stork data on chain in the same format as Pyth
Stork Pyth Adapter
This contract is a light wrapper around the Stork EVM contract which conforms to Pyth's IPyth interface.
Integrate with Your Solidity Contracts
- Install the Stork Pyth Adapter npm package in your project
npm i @storknetwork/stork_pyth_adapter
- Import the Stork Pyth Adapter contract into your solidity contract using:
import "@storknetwork/stork_pyth_adapter/contracts/StorkPythAdapter.sol";
- Create a StorkPythAdapter contract. This object takes in the contract address of Stork's contract on this chain:
storkPythAdapter = new StorkPythAdapter(storkContract);
You can see a simple working example of a Solidity contract using this here.
Publish to npm
- update the package.json version
npm login
npm publish --access public