ReliableTXT helper methods for the browser environment
About this package
This package is the browser-specific part mentioned in the environment-independent reliabletxt package (You will find more information there about ReliableTXT in general). The package currently just contains a simple helper class to easily create a downloadable file.
Getting started
First get the ReliableTXT-Browser package installed with a package manager of your choice. If you are using NPM just run the following command:
npm install @stenway/reliabletxt-browser
Create a ReliableTXTDocument and pass it to the static method download of the static ReliableTxtDownload class. Provide a file name as a second argument:
ReliableTxtDownload.download(new ReliableTxtDocument("Hello world"), "HelloWorld.txt")
You can see a similar package, which is the wsv-browser package, in action in this video.
Related packages
The Stenway Text File Format Stack defines a set of formats that are built upon ReliableTXT. Check out the following related browser-packages: