A library for optimizing error or undefined handling in JavaScript and TypeScript using Rust-like Result and Option types.
Error handling like rust in typescript
This library provides a way to handle errors like rust in typescript.
There is a npm package with the same name, but I decided on the name of the package without knowing it existed. sorry!
I referenced these in the implementation of the library:
- 【TypeScript】Result型を定義してエラーハンドリングを楽にする https://zenn.dev/junki555/articles/4ab67fc78ce64c
- Option in std::option - Rust
https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/enum.Option.html - Result in std::result - Rust
import {fetchWithResult, Optional, Result} from "@stead08/optres";
// divide function returns Optional<number>
function divide (a: number, b: number): Optional<number> {
if (b === 0) {
return Optional.none();
return Optional.some(a / b);
function test_divide_by_zero () {
const result = divide(1, 0);
some: (value) => console.log(value),
none: () => console.log('error')
test_divide_by_zero(); // error
// Using Optional<T> is useful when you want to return a value that may be null or undefined.
// you can assure that the value is not null or undefined by using Optional<T> with unwrap() method.
// Example:
const optional: Optional<number> = Optional.some(123);
const result: number = optional.unwrap();
// using when() method is useful when you want to handle both some and none cases.
// Example:
const optional2: Optional<number> = Optional.some(123);
const result2: number = optional2.when({
some: (value) => value + 1,
none: () => 0,
// you can also use Result<T, E> instead of Optional<T> for better error handling.
// Result<T, E> is a type that represents either success (Ok) or failure (Err).
// Result<T, E> is often used for error handling.
// Example:
function divide_returns_result (a: number, b: number): Result<number, Error> {
if (b === 0) {
return Result.err(new Error('divide by zero'));
return Result.ok(a / b);
function test_divide_by_zero_returns_result () {
const result = divide_returns_result(1, 0);
ok: (value) => console.log(value),
err: (err) => console.log(err)
test_divide_by_zero_returns_result(); // Error: divide by zero
// fetchWithResult returns Result<Response, Error>
async function fetchWithResultExample () {
const response = await fetchWithResult(new URL('https://www.google.com'));
const result = response.ok();