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Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Discrete uniform distributed pseudorandom numbers.




Discrete Uniform Random Numbers

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Discrete uniform distributed pseudorandom numbers.


npm install @stdlib/random-base-discrete-uniform


var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random-base-discrete-uniform' );

discreteUniform( a, b )

Returns a pseudorandom number drawn from a discrete uniform distribution with parameters a (minimum support) and b (maximum support).

var r = discreteUniform( 2, 50 );
// returns <number>

If either a or b is not an integer value or a > b, the function returns NaN.

var r = discreteUniform( 20, 10 );
// returns NaN

r = discreteUniform( NaN, 10 );
// returns NaN

r = discreteUniform( 10, NaN );
// returns NaN

discreteUniform.factory( [a, b, ][options] )

Returns a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) for generating pseudorandom numbers drawn from a discrete uniform distribution.

var rand = discreteUniform.factory();

var r = rand( 0, 10 );
// returns <number>

If provided a and b, the returned generator returns random variates from the specified distribution.

// Draw from discreteUniform( -20, 20 ) distribution:
var rand = discreteUniform.factory( -20, 20 );

var r = rand();
// returns <number>

r = rand();
// returns <number>

If not provided a and b, the returned generator requires that both parameters be provided at each invocation.

var rand = discreteUniform.factory();

var r = rand( 0, 10 );
// returns <number>

r = rand( -20, 20 );
// returns <number>

The function accepts the following options:

  • prng: pseudorandom number generator for generating uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers. If provided, the function ignores both the state and seed options. In order to seed the returned pseudorandom number generator, one must seed the provided prng (assuming the provided prng is seedable). The provided PRNG must have MIN and MAX properties specifying the minimum and maximum possible pseudorandom integers.
  • seed: pseudorandom number generator seed.
  • state: a Uint32Array containing pseudorandom number generator state. If provided, the function ignores the seed option.
  • copy: boolean indicating whether to copy a provided pseudorandom number generator state. Setting this option to false allows sharing state between two or more pseudorandom number generators. Setting this option to true ensures that a returned generator has exclusive control over its internal state. Default: true.

To use a custom PRNG as the underlying source of uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers, set the prng option.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var r = rand( 20, 40 );
// returns <number>

To seed a pseudorandom number generator, set the seed option.

var rand1 = discreteUniform.factory({
    'seed': 12345

var r1 = rand1( 20, 40 );
// returns <number>

var rand2 = discreteUniform.factory( 20, 40, {
    'seed': 12345

var r2 = rand2();
// returns <number>

var bool = ( r1 === r2 );
// returns true

To return a generator having a specific initial state, set the generator state option.

var rand;
var bool;
var r;
var i;

// Generate pseudorandom numbers, thus progressing the generator state:
for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
    r = discreteUniform( 20, 40 );

// Create a new PRNG initialized to the current state of `discreteUniform`:
rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'state': discreteUniform.state

// Test that the generated pseudorandom numbers are the same:
bool = ( rand( 20, 40 ) === discreteUniform( 20, 40 ) );
// returns true


The generator name.

var str = discreteUniform.NAME;
// returns 'discrete-uniform'


The underlying pseudorandom number generator.

var prng = discreteUniform.PRNG;
// returns <Function>


The value used to seed discreteUniform().

var rand;
var r;
var i;

// Generate pseudorandom values...
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    r = discreteUniform( 0, 10 );

// Generate the same pseudorandom values...
rand = discreteUniform.factory( 0, 10, {
    'seed': discreteUniform.seed
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    r = rand();

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed integers, this value is null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var seed = rand.seed;
// returns null


Length of generator seed.

var len = discreteUniform.seedLength;
// returns <number>

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed integers, this value is null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var len = rand.seedLength;
// returns null


Writable property for getting and setting the generator state.

var r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

// ...

// Get a copy of the current state:
var state = discreteUniform.state;
// returns <Uint32Array>

r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

// Reset the state:
discreteUniform.state = state;

// Replay the last two pseudorandom numbers:
r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

r = discreteUniform( -10, 10 );
// returns <number>

// ...

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed integers, this value is null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var state = rand.state;
// returns null


Length of generator state.

var len = discreteUniform.stateLength;
// returns <number>

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed integers, this value is null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var len = rand.stateLength;
// returns null


Size (in bytes) of generator state.

var sz = discreteUniform.byteLength;
// returns <number>

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed integers, this value is null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var sz = rand.byteLength;
// returns null


Serializes the pseudorandom number generator as a JSON object.

var o = discreteUniform.toJSON();
// returns { 'type': 'PRNG', 'name': '...', 'state': {...}, 'params': [] }

If provided a PRNG for uniformly distributed numbers, this method returns null.

var minstd = require( '@stdlib/random-base-minstd' );

var rand = discreteUniform.factory({
    'prng': minstd

var o = rand.toJSON();
// returns null


  • If PRNG state is "shared" (meaning a state array was provided during PRNG creation and not copied) and one sets the generator state to a state array having a different length, the PRNG does not update the existing shared state and, instead, points to the newly provided state array. In order to synchronize PRNG output according to the new shared state array, the state array for each relevant PRNG must be explicitly set.
  • If PRNG state is "shared" and one sets the generator state to a state array of the same length, the PRNG state is updated (along with the state of all other PRNGs sharing the PRNG's state array).


var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random-base-discrete-uniform' );

var seed;
var rand;
var i;

// Generate pseudorandom numbers...
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    console.log( discreteUniform( 0, 100 ) );

// Create a new pseudorandom number generator...
seed = 1234;
rand = discreteUniform.factory( -20, 20, {
    'seed': seed
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    console.log( rand() );

// Create another pseudorandom number generator using a previous seed...
rand = discreteUniform.factory( -20, 20, {
    'seed': discreteUniform.seed
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    console.log( rand() );

See Also


This package is part of stdlib, a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.

For more information on the project, filing bug reports and feature requests, and guidance on how to develop stdlib, see the main project repository.




Copyright © 2016-2024. The Stdlib Authors.