Broadcast an ndarray to a specified shape.
Broadcast an ndarray to a specified shape.
npm install @stdlib/ndarray-base-broadcast-array
var broadcastArray = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-base-broadcast-array' );
broadcastArray( arr, shape )
Broadcasts an ndarray to a specified shape
var array = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-array' );
// Create a 2x2 ndarray:
var x = array( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
// returns <ndarray>
// Broadcast to a 2x2x2 ndarray:
var y = broadcastArray( x, [ 2, 2, 2 ] );
// returns <ndarray>
- The function throws an error if a provided ndarray is incompatible with a provided shape.
- The returned ndarray is a view on the input ndarray data buffer. The view is typically not contiguous. As more than one element of a returned view may refer to the same memory location, writing to the view may affect multiple elements. If you need to write to the returned ndarray, copy the ndarray before performing operations which may mutate elements.
- The returned ndarray is a "base" ndarray, and, thus, the returned ndarray does not perform bounds checking or afford any of the guarantees of the non-base ndarray constructor. The primary intent of this function is to broadcast an ndarray-like object within internal implementations and to do so with minimal overhead.
- The function always returns a new ndarray instance even if the input ndarray shape and the desired shape are the same.
var array = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-array' );
var numel = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-base-numel' );
var ind2sub = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-ind2sub' );
var broadcastArray = require( '@stdlib/ndarray-base-broadcast-array' );
// Create a 2x2 array:
var x = array( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
// returns <ndarray>
// Broadcast the array to 3x2x2:
var y = broadcastArray( x, [ 3, 2, 2 ] );
// returns <ndarray>
// Retrieve the shape:
var sh = y.shape;
// returns [ 3, 2, 2 ]
// Retrieve the number of elements:
var N = numel( sh );
// Loop through the array elements...
var sub;
var v;
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
v = y.iget( i );
sub = ind2sub( sh, i );
console.log( 'Y[%s] = %d', sub.join( ', ' ), v );
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