Apply a unary callback to elements in a two-dimensional nested input array according to elements in a two-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a two-dimensional nested output array.
Apply a unary callback to elements in a two-dimensional nested input array according to elements in a two-dimensional nested mask array and assign results to elements in a two-dimensional nested output array.
npm install @stdlib/array-base-mskunary2d
var mskunary2d = require( '@stdlib/array-base-mskunary2d' );
mskunary2d( arrays, shape, fcn )
Applies a unary callback to elements in a two-dimensional nested input array according to elements in a two-dimensional nested mask array and assigns results to elements in a two-dimensional nested output array.
var abs = require( '@stdlib/math-base-special-abs' );
var x = [ [ -1.0, -2.0 ], [ -3.0, -4.0 ] ];
var mask = [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];
var shape = [ 2, 2 ];
// Compute the absolute values in-place:
mskunary2d( [ x, mask, x ], shape, abs );
// x => [ [ 1.0, -2.0 ], [ 3.0, 4.0 ] ]
The function accepts the following arguments:
- arrays: array-like object containing one input nested array, an input nested mask array, and one output nested array.
- shape: array shape.
- fcn: unary function to apply.
- The function assumes that the input and output arrays have the same shape.
- An element in an input array is "masked" if the corresponding element in the mask array is non-zero.
var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random-base-discrete-uniform' ).factory;
var bernoulli = require( '@stdlib/random-base-bernoulli' ).factory;
var filled2dBy = require( '@stdlib/array-base-filled2d-by' );
var zeros2d = require( '@stdlib/array-base-zeros2d' );
var abs = require( '@stdlib/math-base-special-abs' );
var mskunary2d = require( '@stdlib/array-base-mskunary2d' );
var shape = [ 3, 3 ];
var x = filled2dBy( shape, discreteUniform( -100, 100 ) );
console.log( x );
var mask = filled2dBy( shape, bernoulli( 0.5 ) );
console.log( mask );
var y = zeros2d( shape );
console.log( y );
mskunary2d( [ x, mask, y ], shape, abs );
console.log( y );
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