


Types shared across our API and client




Here's a refined version of your instructions, incorporating the changes you mentioned:



  • Ensure that the .npmrc file is present at the root of the project. If you don’t have it, run yarn configure to pull the necessary .npmrc token for authentication.
    • Organization Setup: Before publishing for the first time, you must create an organization on NPM if it hasn't been done already. This allows you to use scoped packages (e.g., @startup-engine/shared).

Step-by-Step: Setting up a New Shared Library

  1. Create NPM Organization (First-Time Only):

    • Go to npmjs.com and create an organization (if not already created).
    • Update the name field in your package.json to follow the scoped convention:
        "name": "@startup-engine/shared",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "main": "index.js"

Step-by-Step: Updating an Existing Shared Library

  1. Implement Changes:

    • Make your changes to the shared library. Ensure that any new types, functions, or constants are properly exported in index.ts.
  2. Publish the Package:

    • After making the changes, publish the updated package:
      yarn publish
    • For the first-time publish, explicitly set the package to public:
      yarn publish --access public
  3. Update Back-end and Front-end Packages:

    • After publishing, update any dependent projects (e.g., back-end and front-end) to use the latest version of the shared package.



  • First-time publishing will require you to explicitly set the package to public:
    yarn publish --access public