Editor component for startinblox
SOLID Editor
is a Sib demo editor to learn the basics of the framework.
It uses CodeMirror : https://codemirror.net/ and it must be related to "code fragment data".
You can see how it work on the techno page of the website Startin'Blox.
Do not hesitate to suggest improvment!
Try the demo
To launch the demo, please run at the root of the component :
python3 -m http.server 8001
In your django project, add the djangoldp_editor
# packages.yml
## DjangoLDP packages ##
djangoldp_editor: djangoldp_editor
Then, run in your shell :
pip install djangoldp_editor
If everything work correctly, you should be able to see the package in your Django Admin.
Then you have to load the initialisation data to make it work. You'll find at the root of the component repository a file named "initialisation-data.json" Put it in the root of your server and run the following command :
python3 manage.py loaddata initialisation-data.json
If there is no error, it works!
Be careful!
The api's urls in the data loaded begin by "localhost". When you set the editor in production, you should have a check of all the content to set you api base url.
For example in codefragments, the first field "body" :
<solid-display data-src="" fields="helloword"></solid-display>
Should become :
<solid-display data-src="http://yourproductionapi/helloworlds/" fields="helloword"></solid-display>
How to use
Once the package is installed, you can use the solid-editor
<!-- import the module in the head of the page -->
<script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@startinblox/component-editor/"></script>
<!-- use the component -->
Notes that the "[url]" should be replace by your code fragment api link.
| Name | Default | Description |
| --------------- | ---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| data-src
| undefined
| URL of the LDP editor's code's fragments to display. |
| extra-context
| {}
| Custom extra context |
| paginate
| 10
| For the proper functioning of the editor, please enter: "paginate-by='1'"
Contribute !
As the Startin'Blox project is evolving a lot and quickly, we're going to need to update this demo regularly! For any suggestion, you can open an issue or contact the last person who updated it: