A library of Vuex 4 (for Vue 3) standard store modules for state management of cosmos-sdk chains' frontends
A collection of Vuex store modules to help build Ignite CLI front-end applications in combination with the Vue components library @starport/vue
Assuming you have a Vue 3 project, just run:
npm install --save vuex/next
npm install --save @starport/vuex
First you need to create a config file in your store root ./src/store/config.js
// import modules
import { env, starport, blocks, wallet, transfers } from '@starport/vuex'
// init modules you need
export default function init(store) {
Then, in your app's ./src/store/index.js
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
import init from './config'
const store = createStore({
state() {
return {}
mutations: {},
actions: {}
// init @starport/vuex
export default store
Finally, initialize the env
store by dispatching the init action in the appropriate part of your app:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/env/init')
or with a specific configuration:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/env/init', {
apiNode: 'http://localhost:1317',
rpcNode: 'http://localhost:26657',
wsNode: 'ws://localhost:26657/websocket',
chainId: 'my-chain',
addrPrefix: 'cosmos',
sdkVersion: 'Stargate',
getTXApi: 'http://localhost:26657/tx?hash=0x'
The registered modules for this package are:
Registered as common/env
, this module provides basic environment setup, connection to API, RPC, and WS nodes, connection statuses, and access to the underlying @starport/client-js
// Getter signatures
getters: {
client: (state) => state.client,
signingClient: (state) => state.client.signingClient,
apiTendermint: (state) => state.rpcNode,
apiCosmos: (state) => state.apiNode,
apiWS: (state) => state.wsNode,
sdkVersion: (state) => state.sdkVersion,
apiConnected: (state) => state.apiConnected,
rpcConnected: (state) => state.rpcConnected,
wsConnected: (state) => state.wsConnected,
Registered as common/starport
, use this module if you are doing local development on a chain scaffolded with Ignite CLI. This module configures the env
module using the Ignite CLI :12345/status
Registered as common/blocks
, this module receives, stores, and decodes the latest 20 blocks (configurable) as they appear in the websocket API.
Get the latest 10 blocks:
await this.$store.getters['common/blocks/getBlocks'](10)
Get the block at height 15:
await this.$store.getters['common/blocks/getBlocks'](15)
Registered as common/transfers
, this module is a temporary handcoded version until an auto-generated (by Ignite CLI) vuex store is available for the Cosmos SDK TX module (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/tree/master/proto/cosmos/tx/v1beta1).
The querying action is:
ServiceGetTxsEvent({ commit, rootGetters }, { subscribe = false, all=true, ...key })
The getter is:
So if you wanted to query for all token transfers received by cosmos1xv9tklw7d82sezh9haa573wufgy59vmwe6xxe5
, you would first dispatch the querying action like so:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/transfers/ServiceGetTxsEvent', {
subscribe: true,
And access the resulting state anywhere in your app like so:
To learn more about the WebSocket events you can query, see the Tendermint RPC WebSocket docs.
The subscribe
flag in the action dispatch configures auto-updates for the store as new transactions occur.
Registered as common/wallet
, this module provides wallet-handling, sign in and sign out fuctionalities, and encrypted persistence in the browser's local storage.
Creating a new wallet:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/wallet/createWalletWithMnemonic', {
name: "My Wallet",
mnemonic: "web fat decorate draw waste shiver toddler entire knee until board rent robust acid spatial hockey tobacco buddy buffalo flavor mass bridge report pioneer",
HDpath: "m/44'/118'/0'/0/", // BIP32/44 derivation path
prefix: "cosmos", // Address prfix for this chain
password: "password"
Listing wallets in local storage
const walletList = this.$store.common.wallet.wallets
Unlocking a specific wallet from the wallet list and logging in:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/wallet/unlockWallet', {
name: 'My Wallet',
password: 'password'
Accessing logged in and logged out status:
const loggedInStatus = this.$store.getters['common/wallet/loggedIn']
Signing out:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/wallet/signOut')
Adding next available account to the current wallet:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/wallet/addAccount')
Adding an account with a specific HD Path increment to the current wallet:
await this.$store.dispatch('common/wallet/addAccount', 3)
In this example, the wallet's HD path is assumed to be m/44'/118'/0'/0/
and adds the account corresponding to m/44'/118'/0'/0/3
Switch to using a different account in the current wallet, the account with this address must exist in the current wallet:
await this.$store.dispatch(
Accessing current wallet name:
const walletName = this.$store.getters['common/wallet/walletName']
Accessing name of last wallet used:
const lastWallet = this.$store.getters['common/wallet/lastWallet']
Accessing currently active unlocked wallet:
const wallet = this.$store.getters['common/wallet/wallet']
Accessing currently active address in wallet:
const address = this.$store.getters['common/wallet/address']
Inquiring if a wallet name is already in use:
const isAvailable =