StakeWise Methods
StakeWise Methods
The package contains a JavaScript class that provides methods to deposit ETH in staking and get deposit data.
Create an instance of a class
To create methods instance you need to provide ethers provider, wallet address and referrer address:
import Methods from '@stakewise/methods'
const methods = new Methods({
provider, // ethers provider - https://docs.ethers.io/v5/api/providers/provider/
sender, // wallet address
referrer, // referrer address (optional)
Fetching token balances
Method getBalances
returns balances of SWISE tokens, staked
tokens, reward tokens and native tokens.
A balance for every token it is an object called below as
. It contains properties:
- token balance inBigNumber
- and
- object that contains fiat values in USD, EUR and GBP
type TokenValue = {
value: BigNumber
fiatValues: {
usd: number
eur: number
gbp: number
try {
const balances = await methods.getBalances()
const {
swiseTokenBalance, // TokenValue with amount of SWISE
stakedTokenBalance, // TokenValue with amount of staked tokens (e.g. sETH2)
rewardTokenBalance, // TokenValue with amount of reward tokens (e.g. rETH2)
nativeTokenBalance, // TokenValue with amount of native tokens (e.g. ETH)
} = balances
// Formatted balance of native tokens (e.g. 0.318871759160055215)
const nativeTokenValue = formatEther(nativeTokenBalance.value)
// Formatted balance in USD (e.g. $956.35)
const nativeTokenFiatValue = `$${nativeTokenBalance.fiatValues.usd}`
} catch (error) {
To get balances we make requests:
Get native token balance:
Get staked token balance:
Staked token contract address:0xFe2e637202056d30016725477c5da089Ab0A043A
Get reward token balance:
Reward token contract address:0x20BC832ca081b91433ff6c17f85701B6e92486c5
Get SWISE token balance:
SWISE token contract address:0x48C3399719B582dD63eB5AADf12A40B4C3f52FA2
Get fiat rates to calculate fiat balances:
Promise.all([ ethUsd.latestAnswer(), eurUsd.latestAnswer(), gbpUsd.latestAnswer(), ])
EthUsd rate contract address: 0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419
EurUsd rate contract address: 0xb49f677943BC038e9857d61E7d053CaA2C1734C1
GbpUsd rate contract address: 0x5c0Ab2d9b5a7ed9f470386e82BB36A3613cDd4b5
Fetching staking APR
StakingApr is a number
of the annual yield percent.
try {
const stakingApr = await methods.getStakingApr()
} catch (error) {
Reward token contract address: 0x20BC832ca081b91433ff6c17f85701B6e92486c5
Get reward token protocol fee:
Get pool stats:
Returns object with validatorsAPR number
Staking APR calculation:
const { validatorsAPR } = poolStats
const maintainerFee = protocolFee.toNumber()
const stakingAPR = validatorsAPR - validatorsAPR * (maintainerFee / 10_000)
The deposit method allows sending available amount
native tokens (e.g. ETH) and receiving as the result
staked tokens (e.g. sETH2).
Staked tokens by default will be submitted to the
sender wallet, but could be submitted to another
wallet (if address
is provided).
try {
const transaction = await methods.deposit({
amount, // BigNumber with amount to deposit
address, // Optional recipient wallet address (current wallet address by default)
// Wait for transaction confirmation
if (transaction && transaction.hash) {
await provider.waitForTransaction(transaction.hash)
} catch (error) {
Pool contract address: 0xC874b064f465bdD6411D45734b56fac750Cda29A
First we are estimating gas, and after that sending deposit.
To estimate gas we call this.provider.getFeeData()
to get { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas }
call pool contract gas estimation method.
Depending on provided referrer and receiver addresses there are different methods should be called.
Gas estimation with referrer
On each call we have to provide parameters:
which is the sender address,
and value
which is the BigNumber amount to deposit.
If receiver address is the same as the address of the current wallet, we call:
poolContract.estimateGas.stakeWithReferrer(referrer, { from, value })
If not, we provide receiver address and call:
poolContract.estimateGas.stakeWithReferrerOnBehalf(referrer, address, { from, value })
Gas estimation without referrer
If receiver address is the same as the current wallet address, we call:
poolContract.estimateGas.stake({ from, value })
If receiver address is not the same as the current wallet address, we call:
poolContract.estimateGas.stakeOnBehalf(address, { from, value })
As the result in each case we'll receive gasLimit (BigNumber). This value we increase on 1000 to be able to spend a bit more gas if it will be needed:
const gasLimit = await estimateGas()
return gasLimit
The next step is to send deposit, to make the deposit call we need to create a signed contract:
const signer = provider.getUncheckedSigner(address)
const signedContract = poolContract.connect(signer)
Now, after gas estimation we have:
maxFeePerGas: null | BigNumber
maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | BigNumber
gasLimit: BigNumber
We need to provide these parameters to the next contract call to send deposit.
The call is similar to gas estimation since it has different methods that should be called depending on provided referrer and receiver addresses.
Deposit with referrer
If receiver address is the same as the current wallet address, we call:
signedContract.stakeWithReferrer(referrer, { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, gasLimit })
If not, we provide receiver address and call:
signedContract.stakeWithReferrerOnBehalf(referrer, address, { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, gasLimit })
Deposit without referrer
If receiver address is the same as the current wallet address, we call:
signedContract.stake({ maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, gasLimit })
If receiver address is not the same as the current wallet address, we call:
signedContract.stakeOnBehalf(address, { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, gasLimit })
As the result in each case we'll receive ContractTransaction
We can wait until transaction will be confirmed and after that
we can call getBalances() to update balances