A client library for the Stakebird blockchain
A client library for the Regen Ledger.
Get Started
The library exposes one main TypeScript class: the StakebirdApi
class. Import it like this in your code:
import { StakebirdApi } from '@stakebird/api';
// Create a new instance of the StakebirdApi class.
const api = new StakebirdApi({
// StakebirdApi supports multiple client connections to interact with a node:
// - via the Tendermint RPC
// - via gRPC
// - via gRPC-web
// - via REST and gRPC-gateway
connection: {
// Here, we are using the Tendermint RPC client connection.
type: 'tendermint',
url: 'http://devnet.stakebird.com:26657',
// Fetch the balance of an address
const myAddress = 'stb...';
const balances = await api.query.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.AllBalances({
address: myAddress,
console.log(balances); // Prints `{"balances":[{"denom":"uegg","amount":"10000000000"}],"pagination":{"total":1}}`
How it Works
TODO (Protobuf, decoration, signing)