A very simple MongoDB driver wrapper for easy database usage.
EzMongo is the simple way to use MongoDB without knowing how to use MongoDB.
Store your client data in collections and fetch and perfrom creation, reading, updating, and deleting functions in a very simple way.
- NodeJS 13+
- A MongoDB Server
$ npm install @stuyk/ezmongodb
Starting Usage
Here are some generalized steps for getting started.
- Use the
function. - Wait for the connection to establish.
- Perform any operation for reading, writing, updating, etc.
Additional information can be found below. 👇🏻
🔽 Importing
Import the Database static class.
import Database from '@stuyk/ezmongodb';
🔗 Establish Connection
Establish a connection through the Database
static class.
import Database from '@stuyk/ezmongodb';
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const dbName = 'test';
const collections = ['accounts', 'characters', 'vehicles'];
async function connect() {
const connected = await Database.init(url, dbName, collections);
if (!connected) {
throw new Error(`Did not connect to the database.`);
📝 Regular Usage
These are just some general examples of creating, reading, updating, and deleting.
import Database from '@stuyk/ezmongodb';
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const dbName = 'test';
const collections = ['accounts', 'characters', 'vehicles'];
interface IAccount {
_id?: any;
username?: string;
age?: number;
newData?: string;
async function connect() {
// Establish a connection to your database.
const connected = await Database.init(url, dbName, collections);
if (!connected) {
throw new Error(`Did not connect to the database.`);
const newDocument = {
username: 'somePerson'
// Create new data in a collection (table).
// This is now a document with `_id` attached to it.
const somePerson = await Database.insertData<IAccount>(newDocument, 'accounts', true);
if (!somePerson) {
throw new Error('Could not insert data');
// Update all data for document based on
// ID in a collection.
somePerson.age = 5;
const didUpdate = await Database.updatePartialData(somePerson._id, { ...somePerson }, 'accounts');
if (!didUpdate) {
throw new Error(`Document for ${somePerson._id.toString()} did not update.`);
// Use the same function as above to
// add a single field to an existing document.
await Database.updatePartialData(somePerson._id, { newData: 'testing' }, 'accounts');
// Fetch the new data from the database after updating it.
// Not necessary if you keep a cache.
// Just use the cache as reference.
const doc = await Database.fetchData<IAccount>('username', 'somePerson', 'accounts');
if (!doc) {
throw new Error(`Did not find a document with that data`);
// Delete a document entirely from a collection (table).
const didDelete = await Database.deleteById(somePerson._id, 'accounts');
if (!didDelete) {
throw new Error(`Document did not exist.`);
// You can find some more examples in 'test/index.spec.ts'