## Plugin
The runtime plugin is not yet implemented.
Router Adapter
The router adapter allows you to use tanstack router with @ssrx/vite
. It supports code splitting and asset pre-loading
so long as you leverage the adjusted lazyRouteComponent
function (see note at end of this readme).
import { tanstackRouterAdapter } from '@ssrx/plugin-tanstack-router/adapter';
import { ssrx } from '@ssrx/vite/plugin';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
// ... your other plugins
routerAdapter: tanstackRouterAdapter({
// Override this default if needed.. the adapter expects your routes file to export the
// route tree on this named export
exportName: 'routeTree',
Note, the lazyRouteComponent
included in @tanstack/react-router
does not preserve the identity of the original
dynamic import when it assigns the preload property.
Use the below version in your project:
* Adapted from https://github.com/TanStack/router/blob/main/packages/react-router/src/lazyRouteComponent.tsx
* The comp.preload property has been adjusted to maintain a reference to the orginal lazy import function.
export function lazyRouteComponent<T extends Record<string, any>, TKey extends keyof T = 'default'>(
importer: () => Promise<T>,
exportName?: TKey,
): T[TKey] extends (props: infer TProps) => any ? AsyncRouteComponent<TProps> : never {
const load = importer;
const lazyComp = React.lazy(async () => {
const moduleExports = await load();
const comp = moduleExports[exportName ?? 'default'];
return {
default: comp,
(lazyComp as any).preload = load;
return lazyComp as any;