A simple Javascript utility that helps you to display currency properly
Currency Formatter
A simple Javascript utility that helps you to display currency properly
STOP! You probably don't need this library
TL;DR: This library was created a long time ago. You should use Internationalization API instead.
- Browser support: https://caniuse.com/#search=intl
- Polyfill: https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js
- ECMA402 reference: https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/
new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }).format(100000000)
// => "$100,000,000.00"
new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(100000000)
// => "€100,000,000.00"
new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }).format(100000000)
// => "100.000.000,00 $"
new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(100000000)
// => "100.000.000,00 €"
new Intl.NumberFormat('fr-FR', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(100000000)
// => "100 000 000,00 €"
npm install @sseworld/currency --save
Basic Usage
By specifying the currency code
var currencyFormatter = require("@sseworld/currency");
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { code: "USD" });
// => '$1,000,000.00'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { code: "GBP" });
// => '£1,000,000.00'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { code: "EUR" });
// => '1 000 000,00 €'
Or by specifying the locale
var currencyFormatter = require("@sseworld/currency");
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { locale: "en-US" });
// => '$1,000,000.00'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { locale: "en-GB" });
// => '£1,000,000.00'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { locale: "GB" });
// => '£1,000,000.00'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { locale: "de-DE" });
// => '1.000.000,00 €'
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, { locale: "nl-NL" });
// => '€1.000.000,00'
You can also get the currency information.
var currencyFormatter = require('@sseworld/currency');
// returns:
// {
// code: 'USD',
// symbol: '$',
// thousandsSeparator: ',',
// decimalSeparator: '.',
// symbolOnLeft: true,
// spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: false,
// decimalDigits: 2
// }
Parse the number of a monetary value
currencyFormatter.unformat("$10.5", { code: "USD" });
// => 10.5
currencyFormatter.unformat("$1,000,000", { code: "USD" });
// => 1000000
currencyFormatter.unformat("10,5 €", { code: "EUR" });
// => 10.5
currencyFormatter.unformat("1 000 000,00 €", { code: "EUR" });
// => 1000000
currencyFormatter.unformat("1.000,99", { locale: "de-DE" });
// => 1000.99
currencyFormatter.unformat("10'000 CHF", { code: "CHF" });
// => 10000
currencyFormatter.unformat("10.00 CHF", { code: "CHF" });
// => 10
currencyFormatter.unformat("10,00 CHF", { code: "CHF" });
// => 1000
Advanced Usage
Currency Formatter uses accounting library under the hood, and you can use its options to override the default behavior.
var currencyFormatter = require('@sseworld/currency');
currencyFormatter.format(1000000, {
symbol: '@',
decimal: '*',
thousand: '^',
precision: 1,
format: '%v %s' // %s is the symbol and %v is the value
// => '1^000^000*0 @'
// Different formatting for positive and negative values
currencyFormatter.format(-10, {
format: {
pos: '%s%v' // %s is the symbol and %v is the value
neg: '(%s%v)',
zero: '%s%v'
// => ($10)
You could also get a list of all the currencies here using one of the following:
var currencies = require("@sseworld/currency/currencies");
// OR
var currencyFormatter = require("@sseworld/currency");
var currencies = currencyFormatter.currencies;
Or the currencies in hashmap shape:
var currencies = require("@sseworld/currency/currencies.json");
// Result:
// {
// "USD": {
// "code": "USD",
// "symbol": "$",
// "thousandsSeparator": ",",
// "decimalSeparator": ".",
// "symbolOnLeft": true,
// "spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol": false,
// "decimalDigits": 2
// },
// ...more currencies
// }