Endpoint Discoverer for the Indie-web
indie-discover is an indie web endpoint discovery module
indie-discover, is part of the indie-pen-dent project, a set of javascript/nodejs applications which implement the indie web standards.
pnpm i @srchetwynd/indie-discover
npm i @srchetwynd/indie-discover
The module exports a single class EndpointDiscoverer
, which requires 2
- A url of the site to discover endpoints from
- A HTML parser
HTML parser
The html parser is function which will take a HTML page as a string, and return
an object with a getHref
function which will retrieve the href from the
Here is an example using Cheerio:
import { load as cheerioLoad } from 'cheerio';
function HTMLParserFactory(page: string) {
const loadedPage = cheerioLoad(page);
const getHref = (query: string) => {
const endpointElement = loadedPage(query);
return endpointElement?.attr('href');
return {
And an example using the browsers HTML parser:
function HTMLParserFactory(page: string) {
const loadedPage = document.createElement('template');
const getHref = (query: string) => {
const endpointElement = loadedPage.content.querySelector(query);
return endpointElement?.attributes.getNamedItem('href')?.value;
The Endpoint Discoverer has 8 public methods:
discoverAuthorizationEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverTokenEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverRevocationEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverIntrospectionEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverUserinfoEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverMicropubEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverMicrosubEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
discoverMetadataEndpoint(): Promise<string | undefined>
Each method will return the url of the endpoint as provided on the website at the provided URL.
If the site does not have the requested endpoint undefined
is returned.
The best place for support will be on the gitlab repository
Currently this supports:
- Endpoints:
- Authorization
- Token
- Revocation
- Introspection
- Userinfo
- Micropub
- Microsub
- Metadata
- Discovery through HTML elements
Still to support
- Discovery through
headers - Support relative urls
- Living standard:
- Support
- Support
I'm open to contributions, please submit issues in to the respository for ideas to improve the project. All ideas are welcome and appreciated.
Any merge will be welcome and considered, but they must pass the current linting rules, as well as the current tests, and ideally add more.
Setting up for development
These steps will get a development setup running.
- clone this repo,
- run
pnpm i
(If installed, or checkout why its awesome here https://pnpm.io/) - run
pnpm run dev
Authors and acknowledgment
It is currently a solo effort by me, but any help is welcome.
It would be unfair not to mention indieauth-client-php projects, whilst this project is not a fork of it, it was heavily influenced by it.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. A copy of which should be included in this repository.
Project status
This is currently under active development, but only in spare time around work, and other commitments.