Lightweight migration library in Node.js for NoSQL Document databases
Galaxy migrations
What is Galaxy migrations
Galaxy migrations is a lightweight migration library in Node.js for NoSQL Document database.
It is originally created to provide field update in Azure Cosmos DB since this is not natively supported.
This is where the name Galaxy
comes from.
Galaxy migrations requires Node.js in version 8 and up
npm install --save-dev @srascar/galaxy-migrations
npx galaxy-migration -h
Before you start, you will have to create a configuration file.
By default, the command will look for a file called migrations_config.yml
at the root of your project.
But you can use the --config-file
option to specify your own.
Here is an example of config.
migrations_dir: migrations
connector: azure_cosmos_db
endpoint: https://localhost.cosmosdb:443/
primary_key: abcd
name: my_database
container: my_container
Note: Only azure_cosmos_db
connector is supported for now.
Create a migration
npx galaxy-migrations generate
This will create a new file in you migration directory. Edit this file and change it to you needs.
// migrations/migration20190712120924.js
checkQueryUp: 'SELECT VALUE count(1) FROM Families f WHERE NOT is_defined(f._migrationVersion),
queryUp: {
query: "SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.lastName = @lastName",
parameters: [
name: "@lastName",
value: "Andersen"
up: (itemBody) => ({ ...itemBody, transformed: true }),
documentMeta: { idField: 'id', partitionKey: 'id' },
We will only focus on the query up for this example.
- checkQueryUp: if this count returns 0, the migration is skiped
- queryUp: both checkQueryUp and queryUp supports a queryspec object (cf Azure documentation https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-js/blob/master/samples/ItemManagement.ts#L58-L67)
- up: The callback to apply on each item
- documentMeta: required object with the keys for id and partition key fields
Execute a migration
Migrate up
npx galaxy-migrations execute 20190712120924
Migrate down (eg: rollback)
npx galaxy-migrations execute 20190712120924 -w down
Dry run
npx galaxy-migrations execute 20190712120924 -w up -d
Execute all migrations in the directory (based on the config)
npx galaxy-migrations migrate
Options are the same as execute
Known issues
Some options are only displayed for the parent command
For the list of options that you can apply on all commands, use
npx galaxy-migrations -h
Update a document when your container doesn't have partition key
If your container was created before the implementation of partition key, it is now
assigned a default partition key with the path /_partitionKey
See https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-js/issues/261
In order to update a document from this container, in your callback, attach a new property _partitionKey
to your items with the value undefined
// migrationXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.js
up: itemBody => ({ ...itemBody, _partitionKey: undefined })
// Don't forget to specify the DEFAULT_PARTITION_KEY_PATH in the document meta
documentMeta: { idField: 'id', partitionKey: '_partitionKey' },