SQL Frames components for Docusaurus
This package contains components needed to embed SQL Frames into Docusaurus. It is accompanied with another package called @sqlframes/docusaurus-plugin that provides the docusaurus plugin functionality.
Usage within Docusaurus
Within docusaurus content such as pages, docs or blog posts, it is possible to embed analytics components that completely run within the browser using this package.
import { REPL } from '@sqlframes/docusaurus-components';
return DataFrame.fromURL('https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.csv');
Following parameters are available
|whether the REPL code is visible by default to the end user. By default only the REPL output is visible|
for production mode, false
for development mode|By default REPL input is read-only. This allows end users to view the code but not modify it|
|script|void 0
|Usual way of providing the default script to run by the REPL is by embedding code block within the REPL tags as shown above. However, it is also possible to provide it as a parameter.|
|run|true|Whether to run the script by default. Expensive computations can be left to end user to decide to explicitly execute. These code blocks shouldn't introduce new scoped variables that are used by other blocks as they are not executed by default.|