A cross platform UI kit for web and react native Android/iOS.
Sproutch :poop:
React and React Native iOS/Android library to make lovely (or not) UI.
Actually in 0.0.4-beta.7 but already usable. Expect breaking changes in the futur. Tested on:
- Chrome 73
- Safari 12.1.2
- Croswwalk 2.3
- Expo 35
Sproutch depends on two peer dependencies:
- ReactXP: the cross plateform base elements library which sproutch is built upon
- ExpoKit: bringing some basic components such
Important note
- Actually developped with RN 0.57. No guarantee that newer versions will work. But it may...
To install Sproutch and its dependencies:
If you target a web project:
$ npm i @sproutch/ui reactxp
If you target an expo project:
$ npm i @sproutch/ui reactxp $ expo install react-native-svg $ expo install expo-linear-gradient
If you target raw (without expo) React Native (I did not test yet, please, fill an issue if it crashes)
$ npm i @sproutch/ui reactxp expo
Add react-native-svg Add expo-linear-gradient
import { defaultTheme, ThemeContext } from '@sproutch/ui'
<ThemeContext.Provider value={defaultTheme}>
<App />
Global theming
Sproutch implements Material Design specs by default. But some, (bcz still WIP) components are already deeply customizable if you want to bring your own design system.
Sproutch is themable by providing a theme.
ThemeProvider accept a theme object which explained below. The theme shape is heavily inspired by Material UI Theme and stick to the material design specification.
ex: <ThemeProvider theme={myTheme]>
type Theme<B, O> = {
shape: {
borderRadius: number
palette: {
type: 'light' | 'dark'
common: {
// the value of the deepest and clearest point
black: string
white: string
primary: {
// the variants of your primary color
light: string
main: string
dark: string
contrastText: string
secondary: {
// the variants of your secondary color
light: string
main: string
dark: string
contrastText: string
text: {
// The colors of the different text style
primary: string
secondary: string
disabled: string
hint: string
divider: string // color of the separation line
background: {
// The different background color
statusBar: string
appBar: string
default: string
paper: string
state: {
/* takes object of the shape: OverlayOpacity. Exemple: {
light: 0.04,
medium: 0.12,
dark: 0.16,
hover: hoverOverlayOpacity,
focus: focusOverlayOpacity,
selected: selectedOverlayOpacity,
activated: activatedOverlayOpacity,
pressed: pressedOverlayOpacity,
draged: dragedOverlayOpacity,
// The 'rythme' of your design system
spacing: number
business: {
// A customizable slot where you can put
// any value regarding your graphic chart
// eg. third colors, info color scheme...
// The default theme provide already provides
// some colors helpers that you can override:
error: {
light: colors.red['300'], // #e57373,
main: colors.red['500'], // #f44336,
dark: colors.red['700'], // #d32f2f,
contrastText: colors.white, // #fff
valid: {
light: colors.green['300'], // #81c784 ,
main: colors.green['500'], // #4caf50,
dark: colors.green['700'], // #388e3c,
contrastText: colors.white, // #fff
warning: {
light: colors.orange['300'], // #ffb74d
main: colors.orange['500'], // #ff9800
dark: colors.orange['700'], // #f57c00
contrastText: colors.white, // #fff
typography: {
// The base font
fontFamily: string
fontSize: number
fontWeightLight: string
fontWeightRegular: string
fontWeightMedium: string
Customize component style
Some components (in the futur, all will have) has a style
property which accepts all stylesheets keys used by the component.
ex: the ProgressBar component can accept an object with those keys:
root: ViewStyle
top: ViewStyle
background: ViewStyle
fill: ViewStyle
Live demo and components doc
We use Storybook both for Web and Native. As a cross plateform UI, the API is the same for both Native and Web version. You will find the doc for each component in the Note tab of its story:
- For Native: https://expo.io/@dagatsoin/sproutch (only for Android, because Apple does not allow to load external Expo project)
- For Web: https://dagatsoin.github.io/sproutch
PRs won't be treated until reaching a stable version and write a clear contribution guidance first.
If you find a bug, please fill an issue. I am also on Gitter to chat.