`listodo` is a lightweight and configurable script that lists any TODO comments in your app for better visibility and encouraged resolution.
is a lightweight and configurable script that lists any TODO comments in your app for better visibility and encouraged resolution.
Install listodo
into your project
npm i -D @sprocketbot/listodo
Add a script to your package.json
"scripts": {
"todo": "listodo"
Run listodo
npm run todo
Husky Integration
To have listodo run before committing (or with any other Git hook), you need to install and configure husky
# Install husky
npm install husky -D
# Configure your project to set up husky
npm set-script prepare "husky install"
npm run prepare
Then, you can add a hook to run listodo
# Run listodo pre-commit
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx listodo"
# Run listodo on another hook
npx husky add .husky/<git-hook> "npx listodo"
Future plans
- Ignore package.json and package-lock.json by default
- Testing
- Open for community contribution (eslint, commitlint)
- More config options (colors, show email/show name/both)
- Get theme from OS?
- Configure showing days old vs datetime of commit