Tensorflow.js mobilenet transfer learning cli tool
Retraining image classification model using TensorFlow.js in Node.
Based on the following js.tensorflow.org tutorials:
Excellent article from James Thomas that helped (skip the stuff about downloading the model shards manually; there's a much simpler way described in the comments):
Machine Learning in Node.js with TensorFlow.js
Example Usages
- Retrain and test model:
node app.js --images_dir="C:/Retraining_Project/Images" --model_dir="C:/Retraining_Project/Model"
- Skip retraining; just test model:
node app.js --images_dir="C:/Retraining_Project/Images" --model_dir="C:/Retraining_Project/Model" --skip_training=true
- Create sample images:
node create_images.js C:/Retraining_Project/Images
_ Full example with tensorboard:
cli commands to start tensorboard (localhost:6006)
start virtual environment -
source ./venv/bin/activate
start tensorboard on localhost:6006 -
(venv) $ tensorboard --logdir /tmp/tf_fit_logs
node-tfjs-retrain cli -
node app.js --images_dir="/Users/claymation296/dev/magic/synthetic" --model_dir="/Users/claymation296/dev/nathanML/ml-lock/src/model" --sizing="contain" --epochs="500"
shutdown virtual environment
(venv) $ deactivate
app.js args:
--batch_size_fraction -> Number default 0.2 --dense_units -> Number default 100 --epochs -> Number default 50 --learning_rate -> Number default 0.0001 --sizing -> String default 'cover' --logdir -> String default '/tmp/tf_fit_logs', tensorboard --logdir /tmp/tf_fit_logs
augment_images.js args:
--flip_images -> Boolean default false --adjust_brightness -> Boolean default false --ignore_subdirectories -> Boolean default false --labels_to_skip -> String default ''
I'm quite new to Node and TF, so there's a lot of room for cleanup and code improvements. My initial goal was to get something working and worry about minor improvements later. Feel free to submit a PR :)
Initial TODOs:
- [x] Create a script to automatically build a training data set to enable users to immediately get started
- [x] Save trained model in the project directory
- [x] Replace ui_mock.js with a TrainingParams class