A orange money api integration package
Welcome to @spreeloop/orange_money 👋
The Y-note Orange Money Node.js Integration Module is a powerful toolkit designed to simplify the integration of Orange Money's payment capabilities into Node.js applications. This module provides developers with a convenient interface to interact with Orange Money APIs, enabling seamless payment processing and transaction management.
- Easy Integration: Simplifies the integration of Orange Money payment functionality into Node.js applications.
- Flexible Configuration: Allows developers to customize payment configurations based on specific requirements.
- Comprehensive Documentation: Provides comprehensive documentation and examples for easy integration and usage.
- Supports Multiple Environments: Supports multiple target environments, including production and testing environments.
To install the Orange Money Node.js Integration Module, simply add it to your Node.js project using npm:
npm install @spreeloop/orange_money
Run tests
npm run test
Table content
Merchant payment
Before calling any payment function, we need to create the orange money Payment instance.
import {OrangeMoneyPayment} from @spreeloop/orange_money;
// Creates payment configuration
const config = {
/** In test mode use the TargetEnvironment.fake that return static data since
the y-note payment don't have the sandbox environment.
targetEnvironment: TargetEnvironment.prod,
apiUserName: 'your_api_username',
apiPassword: 'your_api_password',
xAuthToken: 'your_x_auth_token',
// By default we use the 'console' to display the log but you can decide to
// use your own custom log.
logger: console;
const payment = OrangeMoneyPayment.createPayment(config);
Generate access-token
const accessTokenResponse = await payment.getAccessToken();
Generate pay-token
const payTokenResponse = await payment.getPayToken('your_access_token');
Initiate Payment
The payment initialization depends on the platform on which the application runs. This package only support USSD payment.
// Initialize Orange Money Payment
const initializationResponse = await payment.initializeOrangeMoneyPayment({
description: 'Payment for goods',
subscriberNumber: '696600011',
channelUserNumber: '696600011',
transactionId: '1234567890',
amount: '1000',
pinCode: '1234',
notifUrl: 'https://yourdomain.com/payment/notify',
payToken: 'your_pay_token',
accessToken: 'your_access_token',
If you want to receive an answer immediately, always set a correct notifUrl
endpoint link. The service notifies the url immediately or 1 minutes after
receiving the client validation.
The response received is of the form:
"payToken": "payToken",
"status" : "status",
"message" : "message"
Note: After initiating the payment, the request goes to status
if the user doesn't validate or cancel the payment within 7 minutes.
Express is one of the most popular npm package to manage your endpoint.
import * as express from 'express';
const app = express();
const expressRouter = express.Router;
const router = expressRouter();
appV1.use('/', router);
router.post('/orange_money/payment/:paymentId', (req, res) => {
const body = req.body;
* Your code.......
Before updating the payment in your system, retrieve the payment status
by using getOrangeMoneyPaymentStatus function and compare the status
received with that sent to your endpoint. This is to ensure the consistency
of your system.
return res.sendStatus(HttpStatusCode.Ok);
Get Orange Money Payment Status
// Get Orange Money Payment Status
const paymentStatusResponse = await payment.getOrangeMoneyPaymentStatus({
payToken: 'your_pay_token',
accessToken: 'your_access_token',
Sometimes Orange Money API will not notify your endpoint url, so we recommend to
set up a system that will run getOrangeMoneyPaymentStatus
every 2 min
depending on your choice.
For more information and detailed API documentation, please refer to the official Y-Note Merchant payment documentation
👤 Spreeloop
- Website: spreeloop.com
- Github: @spreeloop
🤝 Contributing
Contributions to the Orange Money Node.js Integration Module are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to contribute to the development of this module.
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