Argument Parser
Command Line Argument Parser
Simple command line parser. Specify and array of argument defintions and let arg-parser do the work.
Getting Started
Run the following command to install arg-parser:
npm install @spmeesseman/arg-parser
Import the ArgParser class:
const ArgParser = require("@spmeesseman/arg-parser").ArgParser;
const parser = new ArgParser({
app: "app-publisher",
banner, version,
ignorePositional: [ "-p", "--profile" ]
const opts = parser.parseArgs(cmdLineDefs);
The cmdLineDefs argument is an object that defines the command line optons for the application. Each property value can be of type ArgParserDefinition, or, an array of properties. At this time, ArgParserDefinition has not been completely implemented, so please use an array type definition for each command line option, for example:
branch: [
true, // Can specify on command line
"string", // Value type
"trunk", // Default value
"The branch to use." // Help description (multi-line)
Multiple lines of help are just additional entries in the array:
bugs: [
"Overrides the 'bugs' property of package.json when an NPM release is",
"made, which is extracted for display on the project page of the NPM",
Alernatively, he help property of ArgParserDefinition can be used as of initial release, within the array definition:
dryRun: [
[ "-d", "--dry-run" ],
help: "Run in dry/test mode, all changes are reverted.\n" +
"In dry-run mode, the following holds:\n" +
" 1) Installer is not released/published\n" +
" 2) Email notification will be sent only to $TESTEMAILRECIPIENT\n" +
" 3) Commit package/build file changes (svn) are not made\n" +
" 4) Version tag (svn) is not made\n" +
"Some local files may be changed in test mode (i.e. updated version\n" +
"numbers in build and package files). These changes should be reverted\n" +
"to original state via SCM"
Note that the help property of ArgParserDefinition is one string, as opposed to an array type definition, where each help line is an additional item in the array.
Both ArgParserDefinition objects and array definitions can be used within the same definitions object, it does not ave to be one or the other.
A compiled example of a definitionas object to be passed to parseArgs():
const argParserDefs =
branch: [
true, // Can specify on command line
"string", // Value type
"trunk", // Default value
"The branch to use." // Help description (multi-line)
bugs: [
"Overrides the 'bugs' property of package.json when an NPM release is",
"made, which is extracted for display on the project page of the NPM",
dryRun: [
[ "-d", "--dry-run" ],
help: "Run in dry/test mode, all changes are reverted.\n" +
"In dry-run mode, the following holds:\n" +
" 1) Installer is not released/published\n" +
" 2) Email notification will be sent only to $TESTEMAILRECIPIENT\n" +
" 3) Commit package/build file changes (svn) are not made\n" +
" 4) Version tag (svn) is not made\n" +
"Some local files may be changed in test mode (i.e. updated version\n" +
"numbers in build and package files). These changes should be reverted\n" +
"to original state via SCM"
const ArgParser = require("@spmeesseman/arg-parser").ArgParser;
const parser = new ArgParser({
app: "app-publisher",
banner, version,
ignorePositional: [ "-p", "--profile" ]
const opts = parser.parseArgs(cmdLineDefs);
All options passed on the command line can be access via the returned opts object of parser.parseArgs().
Help Output
Help is generated and formatted for each specified command line option definition, for example:
writeLog In addition to stdout, writes a log to LOCALAPPDATA\app-name\log
Type : flag
Defaults to : N
Command Line : --write-log
Report issues and enhancements in the project's Github Issue Tracker.
Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE