Split JavaScript Sync Tools
Split JavaScript Sync Tools
This package includes a set of JavaScript synchronization tools built based on the core implementation used by SDKs, allowing users to rely on this tool to synchronize the rollout plan data cache snapshot, as well as send the tracked events and impressions data to the Split cloud when running SDKs in consumer mode.
Split sync tools supports Node.js version 8 or higher. To run the tools in other JavaScript environments, the target environment must support ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) syntax, and provide built-in support or a global polyfill for Promises and Web Fetch API.
Getting started
Below is a simple example that describes the execution of the JavaScript Synchronizer:
- Install npm package via
npm install @splitsoftware/splitio-sync-tools
- Inside your app, import the
const { Synchronizer } = require('@splitsoftware/splitio-sync-tools')
// or if your project supports EcmaScript modules
import { Synchronizer } from '@splitsoftware/splitio-sync-tools';
- Instantiate the Synchronizer:
const synchronizer = new Synchronizer({
core: {
authorizationKey: 'YOUR_SDK_KEY', // SDK key of type server side
// Mandatory: provide a valid storage instance.
storage: {
prefix: 'storagePrefix',
wrapper: storageWrapper,
- Run the Synchronizer
synchronizer.execute().then(() => console.log('ready'));
Please refer to JavaScript Sync Tools to learn about all the functionality provided by the package.
Submitting issues
The Split team monitors all issues submitted to this issue tracker. We encourage you to use this issue tracker to submit any bug reports, feedback, and feature enhancements. We'll do our best to respond in a timely manner.
Please see Contributors Guide to find all you need to submit a Pull Request (PR).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See: Apache License.
About Split
Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to confidently deploy features as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve the customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Companies like Twilio, Salesforce, GoDaddy and WePay trust Split to power their feature delivery.
To learn more about Split, contact [email protected], or get started with feature flags for free at https://www.split.io/signup.
Split has built and maintains SDKs for:
- .NET Github Docs
- Android Github Docs
- Angular Github Docs
- Flutter Github Docs
- GO Github Docs
- iOS Github Docs
- Java Github Docs
- JavaScript Github Docs
- JavaScript for Browser Github Docs
- Node Github Docs
- PHP Github Docs
- PHP thin-client Github Docs
- Python Github Docs
- React Github Docs
- React Native Github Docs
- Redux Github Docs
- Ruby Github Docs
For a comprehensive list of open source projects visit our Github page.
Learn more about Split:
Visit split.io/product for an overview of Split, or visit our documentation at help.split.io for more detailed information.