SpicyJS is a buildless microframework that consists of a few tiny packages. Like all spicy packages, the router can be used without the other packages.
SpicyJS Router
SpicyJS is a buildless microframework that consists of a few tiny packages. Like all spicy packages, the router can be used without the other packages.
- @spicyjs/core: a JS library that takes the pain out of creating, updating, and attaching listeners to elements.
- @spicyjs/reactor: a Reactive library that binds data to nodes
- @spicyjs/router: a lightweight router for SPA's
When developing web applications, its often a better experience to refresh only a portion of the page, creating an SPA. This router aims to be small and will get smaller as new navigation oriented browser APIs are adopted.
npm i @spicyjs/router
import { createRouter, go, beforeEach, afterEach, getCurrentRoute } from "@spicyjs/router";
const outlet = document.createElement('div');
outlet.className = 'router-outlet'
beforeEach(async () => {
await checkSomething();
//display a loading indicator
afterEach(() => {
//hide the loading indicator
//create the router
await router.createRouter([
name: "default",
path: "/",
handler: async () => {
await importantStuff();
return document.createElement('div');
target: '.a-selector',//defaults to .router-outlet, this can also be an element or a function that returns an element
name: "about",
path: "/about/:id",
handler: (params, query) => document.createElement('span'),
before: () => {
if(!loggedIn) {
router.go({ name: 'default' })
return false;
after: () => {
console.log('you navigated, yay!')
await go({ name: "about", params: { id: "123" }, query: { search: "bob" } });
await go({ path: "/" );