A controller library for handling ERC-7506 compliant Trusted Hints
Trusted Hint Controller
This repository contains a TypeScript library for creating and managing trusted hints in accordance to ERC-7506. A hint refers to a small piece of information that provides insights, aiding in the interpretation, reliability, or verifiability of decentralized ecosystem data. This library is a light wrapper around the Viem API to make it easier to create and manage trusted hints.
npm i @spherity/trusted-hint-controller
To build the library, run:
npm run build
This will create a dist
folder with the compiled JavaScript for CommonJS and ES modules.
To run the tests, run:
npm run test
npm run test:integration
If you just want to read data from the Trusted Hint Registry, you only need to initialize the TrustedHintController
with a read client. On how to create and use the clients, please refer to the Viem documentation.
import {TrustedHintController} from '@spherity/trusted-hint-controller';
import {createPublicClient, createWalletClient} from "viem";
const aliceAccount = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const bobAccount = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const readClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: http()
const controller = new TrustedHintController({ readClient })
const namespace = '0x...' // address of namespace owner
const list = '0x...' // bytes32 list
const key = '0x...' // bytes32 key
const hintValue = await controller.getHint(namespace, list, key)
If you actually want to create or update hints, you need to initialize the TrustedHintController
with a write client.
import {TrustedHintController} from '@spherity/trusted-hint-controller';
import {createWalletClient} from "viem";
const aliceAccount = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const writeClient = createWalletClient({
account: aliceAccount,
chain: mainnet,
transport: http()
const controller = new TrustedHintController({
const namespace = aliceAccount.address
const list = '0x...' // bytes32 list
const key = '0x...' // bytes32 key
const hintValue = '0x...' // bytes32 value
await controller.setHint(namespace, list, key, hintValue)
If you want to use meta transactions, you can use the TrustedHintController
with a wallet and meta transaction client.
import {TrustedHintController} from '@spherity/trusted-hint-controller';
import {createWalletClient} from "viem";
const aliceAccount = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const bobAccount = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
account: aliceAccount,
chain: mainnet,
transport: http()
const metaTransactionClient = createMetaTransactionClient({
account: bobAccount,
chain: mainnet,
transport: http()
const controller = new TrustedHintController({
const namespace = bobAccount.address
const list = '0x...' // bytes32 list
const key = '0x...' // bytes32 key
const hintValue = '0x...' // bytes32 value
// Bob signs a payload that allows alice to set a hint for him
await controller.setHintSigned(namespace, list, key, hintValue)