The controller module for interacting with Ethereum revocation lists & resolving revocation entries for EIP-5539.
Ethereum Revocation Registry Controller
The controller module for interacting with EIP-5539-compatible Ethereum revocation lists.
The EIP-5539 draft proposes a new RBAC-enabled revocation registry that can be used by any valid Ethereum address to maintain a set of revocation lists. In those, arbitrary revocation keys can be marked as either revoked or not. Additionally, the registry includes a set of management features that enables owners to have features like delegates, owner changes, and meta transactions.
This repository includes a controller module for interacting with EIP-5539-compatible revocation lists. This includes managing owners, delegates, revocation lists, revocation keys, and the support for meta transactions.
Execute this to install this dependency:
npm install --save @spherity/ethr-revocation-registry-controller
You can then build the controller object by instantiating it for example with a WebsocketProvider connected to Infura:
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const {EthereumRevocationRegistryController} = require("@spherity/ethr-revocation-registry-controller");
const {InfuraWebSocketProvider} = require('@ethersproject/providers');
const provider = new InfuraWebSocketProvider(5, "XXXXXX");
const signer = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
const signerAndProvider = signer.connect(provider);
const config = {
signer: signerAndProvider,
chainId: 5,
address: "0x534b89b798e45929A24a217d7324EAd0EAF9413E"
const controller = new EthereumRevocationRegistryController(config);
async function checkRevocation() {
const date = new Date(1686386460*1000);
console.log(`Date: ${date.toDateString()}`);
const revoked = await controller.isRevoked({
namespace: "0x68849D547F49f19291737bFebA5ca5a0E1e19d84",
list: "0x1bfcc5aaebc43b53d181ad28013ffb74e750b43b5f7c3340bfe6f33ac66e3d49",
revocationKey: "0x6c329cb9bd41aa21e38d2c1c6ca83d88b381f2dad0a489769684f4d5c575eb2b",
console.log(`Credential status is: ${revoked}`);
Make sure to provide a TypedDataSigner if you intend to use Meta transactions (for example 'Wallet')!
Now you're ready to interact with your revocation lists/keys!
Test Suite
To start the test suite, you can call:
npm run test
To get a coverage report you need to run:
npm run test:coverage