JavaScript client for Speechly Streaming API
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Speechly Browser Client
Add voice features to any web app with Speechly Browser Client. It handles authentication, audio capture, network streaming and connection management with the Speechly Streaming API.
If you are using React, you can use the Speechly React Client instead. It provides the same functionalities, but provides a programming model that is idiomatic to React.
- Getting started with Speechly
- Building a web app using Speechly Browser Client
- View example application
- Migrating from Browser Client v1
- API reference
Using npm:
npm install @speechly/browser-client
Using yarn:
yarn add @speechly/browser-client
Using unpkg CDN:
<script type="module">
import { BrowserClient, BrowserMicrophone } from "//unpkg.com/@speechly/browser-client?module=true"
Create new BrowserMicrophone
and BrowserClient
import { BrowserClient, BrowserMicrophone } from '@speechly/browser-client';
// Get your App ID from Speechly Dashboard (https://api.speechly.com/dashboard/)
// or by using Speechly CLI `list` command.
const microphone = new BrowserMicrophone();
const client = new BrowserClient({
appId: 'YOUR-APP-ID',
logSegments: true,
debug: true,
Capture browser microphone audio:
const myButton = document.getElementById('myButton');
// Make sure that you call `microphone.initialize` from a user initiated
// action handler, like a button press.
const attachMicrophone = async () => {
if (microphone.mediaStream) return;
await microphone.initialize();
await client.attach(microphone.mediaStream);
const handleClick = async () => {
if (client.isActive()) {
await client.stop();
} else {
await attachMicrophone();
await client.start();
myButton.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
React to API updates:
// Use `segment.isFinal` to check the segment state. When `false`,the segment might
// be updated several times. When `true`, the segment won’t be updated anymore and
// subsequent callbacks within the same audio context refer to the next segment.
client.onSegmentChange((segment) => {
console.log('Tentative segment:', segment)
if (segment.isFinal) {
console.log('Final segment:', segment)
- See contribution guide in CONTRIBUTING.md.
- Ask questions on GitHub Discussions