Helper for storing browser extension settings
WebExtension Storage
Helper for storing browser extension settings with TypeScript type information.
$ npm install -S @spadin/webextension-storage
See the documentation in index.ts for more detailed usage info.
Also see webextension-options for a React-based library that uses this to create an options page for your extension, and webextension-example for an example extension using both libraries.
// storage.ts
import { StorageArea } from '@spadin/webextension-storage';
export interface StorageItems {
foo: boolean;
bar: string;
baz: number;
export var storage = StorageArea.create<StorageItems>({
defaults: {
foo: false,
bar: 'bar',
baz: 0,
// background.ts
import { browser } from 'webextension-polyfill-ts';
import { storage } from './storage';
browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async (details) => {
// Fill in default values for any unset settings.
await storage.initDefaults();
// A property is automatically created on the StorageArea object for each
// setting with get(), set(), and other functions. Use addListener() to run
// a function when a setting changes.
storage.foo.addListener((change, key) => {
console.log(`key changed from ${change.oldValue} to ${change.newValue}`);
async function toggleFoo() {
// Any operation that reads from or writes to storage is asynchronous and
// returns a promise.
const foo = await storage.foo.get();
await storage.foo.set(!foo);
async function incrementBaz() {
// You can also access settings by name instead of using properties.
const baz = await storage.get('baz');
await storage.set('baz', baz + 1);
async function mogrify() {
// You can get all settings with StorageArea.get() and write multiple
// settings with StorageArea.set().
const { foo, bar } = await storage.get();
await storage.set({
foo: !foo,
bar: bar + bar,