Library for easy Access to Structured Messages like HL7-Messages used in Health communication
Library for easy access to information inside a text-messae, like HL7-Messages used in Health communication.
This Project is a typescript migration from our internal repository. We decided to published it under the LGPL-v3 during the rad-on-fhir - Project.
Documentation is still mostly missing - please see the Example below.
Example usage:
const Message = require("../dist/main.js").Message;
const msgString = 'MSH|^~\\&|SOME|SYSTEM|ANOTHER|SYSTEM|20210301090416||ORM^O01|1000000|P|2.5|||AL|NE||8859/15|\n' +
'PID|1||8008008|ABC123~DEF456|Test^Radiologie^Zusatz^^^Titel|Testrad|19611019000000||||Test Str. 66^^Test^^12345^||05555/6667778889||||||[email protected]|||Anna Test|Testhausen|N|||Developer|||\n' +
'NTE|1|Note 1\n' +
'NTE|2|Note 2\n'
const sl7Msg = new Message(msgString)
// Access a single Message Part "as String":
const pidStr = sl7Msg.getString("PID-3") // = "8008008"
console.log(`PID-3: ${pidStr}`)
console.log("PID-5.2: " + sl7Msg.getString("PID-5.2")) // = "Radiologie"
console.log("PID-4[2]: " + sl7Msg.getString("PID-4[2]")) // = "DEF456"
console.log("NTE[2]-2: " + sl7Msg.getString("NTE[2]-2")) // = "Note 2"
console.log("NTE[1]-2: " + sl7Msg.getString("NTE[1]-2")) // = "Note 1"
console.log("NTE-2: " + sl7Msg.getString("NTE-2")) // = "Note 1"
// Set a Value:
sl7Msg.set("PID-2.1", "ID")
sl7Msg.set("PID-2.4", "SYSTEM")
sl7Msg.set("PID-3[2]", "9009009")
sl7Msg.set("NTE[2]-2", "Note 2, line 1\nNote 2, Line 2")
// Add a Part:
const Part = require("../dist/main.js").Part;
sl7Msg.addPart(new Part("NTE|3|Note 3\nNote 3, Line 2\nNote 3, Line 3\nNote 3, Line 4\n"))
Future Tasks
Out goal is to add Rules and Validation against various Messages as defined in HL7, without losing the easy way to access the components. Contributes are welcome.