:bangbang: | This SDK is still in preview. :---: | :---
Source Elements
:bangbang: | This SDK is still in preview. :---: | :---
This project contains Source Elements, our React based member facing SDK. This SDK makes it easy for you to build member side experiences and uses an underlying @source-health/client
that you provide to it to make calls using your API keys to the Source Health API.
First, install @source-health/elements-react
Install with yarn
yarn add @source-health/elements-react
OR with npm
npm install --save @source-health/elements-react
Getting Started
Generating a Member JWT
In order to use Source Elements you must generate a member JWT on your backend that gets passed to your application. This member JWT is generated on your backend using your private API keys and is what lets our API know you've authenticated your member and that we can trust requests coming directly from your frontend on behalf of a given member. If your backend is javascript based you can use our @source-health/client
to easily generate a JWT like so:
// backend.ts
import { Source, ApiKey } from '@source-health/client'
const source = new Source(new ApiKey('SOURCE_KEY_ID', 'SOURCE_KEY_SECRET'))
const jwt = await source.tokens.generate({
member: 'member_id',
expiration: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 5), // 5 minutes
If your backend isn't writtern in javascript or you simply would like generate the JWT yourself you can do easily. Here is an abridged version of how our @source-health/client
does it internally:
import { SignJWT } from 'jose/jwt/sign'
export interface TokenOptions {
* Member for which this token should be generated
member: string
* Expiration time for the token. Must be no more than 24 hours from now.
expiration: Date
* Scopes to apply to the token which may limit its access
scopes?: string[]
export default class TokenGenerator {
private readonly encoder = new TextEncoder()
public async generate(options: TokenOptions): Promise<string> {
const signJWT = new SignJWT({
sub: options.member, // The source members id
iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1_000), // The Issued At time
exp: Math.floor(options.expiration.getTime() / 1_000), // The Expiration Time
scopes: options.scopes ?? [], // The scopes to give this JWT
return await signJWT
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'HS256', kid: 'SOURCE_KEY_ID' })
The Elements context (SourceProvider
In order for your application to have access to the SourceElements context you must add a SourceProvider
to your React app.
// App.tsx
import React, { useMemo } from 'react'
import { Source, Token } from '@source-health/client'
import { SourceElements } from '@source-health/elements-react'
function App() {
const source = useMemo(() => new Source(new Token('MEMBER_JWT_FROM_BACKEND')), [])
return (
<SourceElements client={source}>
<MyMemberPortal />
export default App
Using individual SourceElements components
Now that you've setup your provider you can use individual components, such as ThreadList
, to build your Member experience (in this example, communications).
import React, { FC } from 'react'
import { ThreadList } from '@source-health/elements-react'
export const MemberChat: FC = () => {
return <ThreadList />
Styling SourceElements components
We provide an out of the box styled experience by allowing you to import our SourceElements css file directly.
import '@source-health/elements-react/dist/elements-react.css'
We also provide stable class names that won't change from version to version, such as source-comms__thread-list-container
, so you can override our styles to match your brand. Simply include our imported CSS file before your custom CSS and override the styles in your custom CSS. You are also able to completely forgo importing our styles if you'd like to style everything yourself. It's completely up to you and how much or how little you'd like to own.
Overriding SourceElements components with custom-built components
We provide the ability for you to override most of our components by providing your own custom-built components. This is useful if you'd like to completely modify the underlying JSX/TSX or add in new custom functionality. Components that support child component overrides will make it available in their props and your custom component must match the props the overriden component expects to receive.
import React, { FC } from 'react'
import { ThreadList } from '@source-health/elements-react'
import { MyCustomThreadListItem } from '../CustomComponents'
export const MemberChat: FC = () => {
return <ThreadList ItemComponent={MyCustomThreadListItem} />
Component Reference
This section is coming soon. For now please refer to the source files in this repo to understand component structure/heirarchy and what props they each expect to receive.