CAPE3 is a Vue plugin/application to enable websites that expose simple spreadsheet based data sets online.
CAPE3 is a Vue plugin/application to enable websites that expose simple spreadsheet based data sets online.
Quickstart: Setting up a Cape3 Project
Create a new vue3 project using:
npm create vue@latest
With some options TBD. (Typescript, not router or pinia)
Edit src/main.ts to be:
import './assets/main.css'
import createCapeApp from '@/createCapeApp'
import { LoggingLevel } from './logging/loggingLevel'
import ConsoleLoggingPlugin from '@/plugins/ConsoleLoggingPlugin'
const app = createCapeApp({ siteData: 'site-data.json' })
app.use(ConsoleLoggingPlugin, { LoggingLevel: LoggingLevel.Error })
And add a valid site-data.json file (probably created by the cape-mapper tool). See CreateCapeApp options for more options accepted by Cape3.
Remove all files and folders in src/ except for main.ts and assets
Edit the vite.config.ts and add the following option to the resolve.alias section:
vue: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js' // allow run time compilation of templates from index.html
TODO: Consider a better starting site.css for a Cape project.