discordjs-helper is meant to be a package that assits programmers in creating their very own discord.js bot. If you ever encounter any problems or are confused you can contact me on discord as i should be able to help! Somber#6753. ### Some Cool Feature
discordjs-helper is meant to be a package that assits programmers in creating their very own discord.js bot. If you ever encounter any problems or are confused you can contact me on discord as i should be able to help! Somber#6753.
Some Cool Features
- playYoutube -> Plays youtube music
- pageReaction -> Up and down arrow reactions on embeds
- roleReaction -> Give roles when users react
- muteUser / unmuteUser -> Mute and unmute users easily
- commandRegistry -> Reads command files from provided directory
- Logger -> Full logger for each client event
- Other Helpful Commands -> Quality of life commands for developers
npm i @sombertm/discordjs-helper
Working On
All Client events for the logger are now available! -> Intend to add callback functionality to them
Since the logger is near finished im probably going to be re-working the page-reaction and role-reaction as they kinda suck right now
This is the base code we will be using throughout the following examples. To see how to use certain functions skip ahead
const { Client } = require('discordjs'); //npm i discord.js
const helper = require('@sombertm/discordjs-helper');
//Create a new client
const client = new Client();
//The prefix the bot will use. Replace "!" with your prefix
const prefix = "!";
//Log to the console when the bot is ready / online
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`${client.user.tag} has come online!`);
client.on('message', message => {
//Dont continue if the message was sent by a bot
if (message.author.bot) return;
//Dont continue on if the message isnt a command / starts with our prefix
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
//Gets the arguments from a message
//ex. message.content = "!say hello world"
//args[0] = "hello", args[1] = "world"
let args = helper.getArgs(message, prefix);
//Gets the command from the args
//ex. message.content = "!say hello world"
//cmd == "say"
let cmd = helper.getCommand(args);
switch (cmd) {
//Where our commands will go
//Login to the bot, replace <token> with your token
//Create a bot at https://discord.com/developers/applications
playYoutube(voiceChannel, youtube_url, cb)
Plays youtube videos as their audio | source
//cmd from template code above
switch(cmd) {
case "play":
//If we arent given a url, notify the user and return
if (!args[0]) {
message.channel.send(`Please provide a valid youtube url!`);
//If the user isnt in a voice channel, notify them and return
if (!message.member.voice.channel) {
message.channel.send(`Please join a voice channel first!`);
//Get the url from the message;
let youtube_url = args[0];
//Get the voice channel of the user sending the message
let channel = message.member.voice.channel;
//Play the video given
helper.playYoutube(channel, youtube_url, info => {
//The function called when the video is over, contains the video info as the callback
message.channel.send(`Finished playing ${info.title} by ${info.author.name}`);
* If the playYoutube function is giving you an error its most likely because you are missing dependencies. Try installing the following packages and see if it will work
* npm i @discordjs/opus
* npm i ffmpeg-static
* Links to packages are also under the Dev Dependencies tab of this packages Dependency page
pageReaction(messageEmbedToReactTo, items, itemsPerPage, startingPage?)
Reacts to a message embed with the an up and down arrow to allow multiple pages | source
//v3.0.0 change - No more nasty pageReaction.init() !
switch (cmd) {
//test command, !pr-test
case 'pr-test':
//Send a new message embed back to the user and receive it in the code
let msg = await message.channel.send(new MessageEmbed().setTitle(`Test`));
//Some sample data to work with
//When using this your data should be formatted in an array how you would like it before passing it into the constructor
let sample_data = ["1: Hello", "2: World", "3: Hello", "4: World", "5: Hello", "6: World"];
* @param { Discord.Message } message the message to react to
* @param { any[] } items an array of anything to be the contents of the embed / pages
* @param { number } itemsPerPage the number of items from the array that should be displayed on one page
* @param { number } startingPage [optional] the page to start on (number of pages = items.length / itemsPerPage)
new helper.pageReaction(msg, sample_data, 3);
/** Expected output
* Test
* 1: Hello
* 2: World
* 3: Hello
/** Down one page
* Test
* 4: World
* 5: Hello
* 6: World
roleReaction(messageToReactTo, emoji, role)
Reacts to a given message with the given emoji and when that emoji is reacted to, the user that reacted will be given the provided role | source
//v3.0.0 change - No more nasty roleReaction.init() !
switch (cmd) {
//test command, !rr-test <message-id> <emoji> <@role>
case 'rr-test':
//if we arent given a message (args[0]) or an emoji (args[1]) or a role mention (message.mentions.members.first()), we will return
if (!args[0] || !args[1] || !message.mentions.roles.first()) { message.channel.send(`Invalid arguments`); return; }
//Find the message from the message id that the user provided us
let messageToReactTo = await helper.findMessage(message.channel, args[0]); //args[0] should the id of a message i.e. 722169140445577276
//Get the emoji for the reaction
let emoji = args[1];
//Get the first role mentioned in the message
let role = message.mentions.roles.first();
//Instantiate a new role reaction object
new helper.roleReaction(messageToReactTo, emoji, role);
muteUser(to_mute, time_seconds, fn?, mute_role?)
Mutes the given user for the allotted amount of seconds. Will create a 'muted' role if none is provided or found in the server | source
switch (cmd) {
//Mute command, !mute <@user> <time>
case 'mute':
//If we arent given args[0], args[1], or a member mention notify the user
if (!args[0] || !args[1] || !message.mentions.members.first()) { message.channel.send(`Invalid arguments`); return; }
//Get the user to mute
let to_mute = message.mentions.members.first();
//Get the mute time from the message assuming they specify it in minutes
//We multiply the minutes time by 60 because the muteUser function takes in the amount of seconds to mute for
let mute_minutes = parseInt(args[1])
let mute_time = mute_minutes * 60;
//Muting the user
helper.muteUser(to_mute, mute_time, () => {
//Anything in here is called when the user is unmuted
message.channel.send(`<@!${to_mute.id}> was unmuted after ${mute_minutes} minutes!`);
commandRegistry(abosluteCommandsFolderPath, registryType)
Creates a registry of all the commands in the given folder with the given type | source
* Imagine this code being in a file under the folder commands
* This file will highlight what the module.exports should look like
* for the registry to pick it up properly
* Essentially each command file will require the name property inside of module.exports
* as well as any functions
module.exports = {
name: 'test'
example: function() {
console.log(`Hello World`);
Typescript users
* Imagine this code being in a file under the folder commands
* This file will highlight what the default export should look like
* for the registry to pick it up properly
* Essentially each command file will require the name property inside of export default
* as well as any functions
export default {
name: 'test',
example: function() {
console.log(`Hello World`);
Creating a registry
//For javascript users
const path = require('path'); //npm i path
//Create a new registry
const registry = new helper.commandRegistry(path.join(__dirname, 'commands'), '.js');
//Get the file with the name: 'test' and calls the example() function from above
//Grab a function from the registry by its name and call it
registry.grab('test', 'example')();
//For typescript
import path from 'path'
//Remeber the path should point to the folder with the compiled javascript files
const registry = new helper.commandRegistry(path.join(__dirname, 'commands'), '.ts');
//Get the file with the name: 'test' and calls the example() function from above
//Grab a function from the registry by its name and call it
registry.grab('test', 'example')();
Logs client events to given servers channels and the console | source
//Still using the template code from above
//Colors should all be defined in hexadecimal
const logger = new Logger({ log_console: true, colors: { info: '1c12f3', delete: 'b50d0d', create: '65af37' } });
//Or if you dont want to mess with the options
const logger = new Logger();
client.on('ready', () => {
//Arbitrarily getting some log channel
const guild = client.guilds.cache.find(guild => guild.name == 'test');
const log_channel = guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.name == 'logs')
//Add a log channel to the logger
//If an event comes up that pertains to that channels guild it will log to that channel
//Tell the logger to listen for us because we are lazy
Logger Options / Types
All the available options for the logger. Default values are assigned so you dont have to provide everything (There are default blacklisted events so dont worry about that)
type LoggerOptions = {
log_console?: boolean,
channels?: TextChannel[] | undefined,
colors?: LoggerColors,
use_callbacks?: boolean,
blacklisted_events?: BlacklistedEvents
type LoggerColors = {
info?: string,
update?: string,
kick?: string,
ban?: string,
join?: string,
leave?: string,
delete?: string,
create?: string,
add?: string,
remove?: string,
default?: string
type BlacklistedEvents = {
channelCreate?: boolean,
channelDelete?: boolean,
channelPinsUpdate?: boolean,
channelUpdate?: boolean,
debug?: boolean,
emojiCreate?: boolean,
emojiDelete?: boolean,
emojiUpdate?: boolean,
error?: boolean,
guildBanAdd?: boolean,
guildBanRemove?: boolean,
guildCreate?: boolean,
guildDelete?: boolean,
guildIntegrationsUpdate?: boolean,
guildMemberAdd?: boolean,
guildMemberRemove?: boolean,
guildMembersChunk?: boolean,
guildMemberSpeaking?: boolean,
guildMemberUpdate?: boolean,
guildUnavailable?: boolean,
guildUpdate?: boolean,
invalidated?: boolean,
inviteCreate?: boolean,
inviteDelete?: boolean,
message?: boolean,
messageDelete?: boolean,
messageDeleteBulk?: boolean,
messageReactionAdd?: boolean,
messageReactionRemove?: boolean,
messageReactionRemoveAll?: boolean,
messageReactionRemoveEmoji?: boolean,
messageUpdate?: boolean,
presenceUpdate?: boolean,
rateLimit?: boolean,
ready?: boolean,
roleCreate?: boolean,
roleDelete?: boolean,
roleUpdate?: boolean,
shardDisconnect?: boolean,
shardError?: boolean,
shardReady?: boolean,
shardReconnecting?: boolean,
shardResume?: boolean,
typingStart?: boolean,
userUpdate?: boolean,
voiceStateUpdate?: boolean,
warn?: boolean,
webhookUpdate?: boolean