# solrise-staking-sdk
Solrise.finance SLRS token staking SDK.
This SDK allows easy fetching, parsing and staking/unstaking your SLRS tokens
$ npm install @solrise-finance/staking-sdk
Initialize the library
- Use the default configuration:
import { SolriseStaking } from '@solrise-finance/staking-sdk';
const solrise = new SolriseStaking({ publicKey: wallet.publicKey })
- Use other configuration options:
import { SolriseStaking } from '@solrise-finance/staking-sdk';
const solrise = new SolriseStaking({
publicKey: wallet.publicKey,
connection: web3connection
Get aggregate staking account (shows sum of all your stakes):
const aggregate = await solrise.getAggregateStakeAccount();
aggregate = {
pubkey: publicKey, // account public key
isInitialized: true, // account initialized
accountType: 2, // 2 means its aggregate account
version: 1, // version
owner: publicKey, // your wallet
count: 5, // number of your stake accounts
totalStake: '5000000' // total SLRS staked in your stake accounts
Get all staking accounts:
const accounts = await solrise.getStakingAccounts();
accounts = [
pubkey: publicKey, // account public key
isInitialized: true, // account initialized
accountType: 1, // 1 means its staking account
version: 1, // version
owner: publicKey, // your wallet
tier: 2, // see tiers explanation
amount: '1000000', // amount of SLRS tokens
amountUi: 1, // amount but divided by decimals
calculatedRewards: '13120', // SLRS rewards when lockup is finished
createdAt: 1652624509, // account created
lastUpdated: 1652624509, // account updated (harvest, topup, withdraw)
state: 1, // state ?
apy: 16, // APY
canWithdraw: false, // if true - you can withdraw principal + reward
pendingReward: '13120', // pending reward for harvest when tier is 1
pendingRewardUi: 0.01312, // same as above but divided with decimals
unlocksInSeconds: 2583705 // lockup expiration in seconds for tiers 2-5
// ...
Create a new staking account:
const { transaction, signers } = await solrise.createStakingAccount(
tier, // tier is number 1 - 5
amount, // number of SLRS
yourSlrsTokenPublicKey // SLRS token account owned by your wallet
const signature = await signAndSendTransaction(transaction, signers)
Harvest reward (for tier 1 staking accounts only):
const { transaction, signers } = await solrise.harvestStakingAccount(
stakingAccountPublicKey, // publicKey of staking account you are harvesting
yourSlrsTokenPublicKey // SLRS token account owned by your wallet
const signature = await signAndSendTransaction(transaction, signers)
Topup account (+ harvest reward if any):
const { transaction, signers } = await solrise.topupStakingAccount(
amount, // number of SLRS to add to staking account
stakingAccountPublicKey, // publicKey of staking account you are harvesting
yourSlrsTokenPublicKey // SLRS token account owned by your wallet
const signature = await signAndSendTransaction(transaction, signers)
Withdraw principal (+ harvest reward if any):
const { transaction, signers } = await solrise.withdrawPrincipal(
amount, // number of SLRS to withdraw
stakingAccountPublicKey, // publicKey of staking account you are harvesting
yourSlrsTokenPublicKey // SLRS token account owned by your wallet
const signature = await signAndSendTransaction(transaction, signers)