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🎨 Color blend midpoints
This NPM package is being used for generating color midpoints from 2 input colors.
🤔 Why?
We've created this package, because we have not seen any other package that uses this approach to generate midpoints between 2 colors.
🧰 Installation
npm i @solcode/color-blend-midpoints
yarn add @solcode/color-blend-midpoints
🎬 Introduction & Usage
This package exports 2 primary features.
- ColorBlender class that is responsible for generating midpoints
- blendColors (initialColor: string, targetColor: string, midpoints: number), this method simply wraps up the ColorBlender class in order to get the blends in one line
- hexToRgb & rgbToHex helper methods
How to get a blends?
import { blendColors } from "color-blend-midpoints"
const blends = blendColors('#000000', '#FFFFFF', 6)
// generates 6 midpoints between these 2 colors ⬇️
// ['#000000','#242424','#494949','#6D6D6D','#929292','#B6B6B6','#DBDBDB','#FFFFFF']
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