Welcome to the ep-devp-git-webhook-plugin backend plugin! _This plugin was created through the Backstage CLI_
Welcome to the ep-devp-git-webhook-plugin backend plugin! This plugin was created through the Backstage CLI
Endpoint for the plugin : http://localhost:7007/ep-devp-git-webhook-plugin/
Start the backend server. Then you can go to API : http://localhost:7007/ep-devp-git-webhook-plugin/health
Getting started
Setup Webhook :
You can setup webhook from repository settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook
Payload URL = server url,can use ngrok = <ngrok_url.io>/api/ep-devp-git-webhook-plugin/webhook
Content type= application/json
Secret= Can add any string
Events = Select Push event , as we need to detect push on the branch
Setup env variables :
SECRET="Your Webhook Secret"
REPO_OWNER = 'Username of Owner';
REPO_NAME = 'Repository Name';
BRANCH_NAME_TO_MONITOR='Branch name for detecting changes E.g. main , develop etc.'
SPECIFIC_FOLDER=folder which we need to monitor,blank for complete repo
Start your ngrok server before adding webhook , and add new server URL from ngrok to webhook
Start your backend
Once you make a push in your branch , and if any modification , addition or deletion is done in the SPECIFIC_FOLDER , git pull origin will be executed.