A miscellaneous schematics collection for Angular
A miscellaneous schematics collection for Angular.
- Injectable class schematic (something like service and class schematics combined)
- Interceptor schematic (deprecated)
The other schematics will be added.
Getting started
Install this package to execute the schematics
npm install -D @softoika/schematics
Injectable class schematic
This schematic is a service schematic that can be given any name instead of service. For example, the following command creates a service class whose name is repository.
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:injectable user --type repository
# or
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:ij user -t repository
CREATE src/app/user.repository.spec.ts (345 bytes)
CREATE src/app/user.repository.ts (137 bytes)
And the other options are available.
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:injectable --help
Help for schematic @softoika/schematics:injectable
The prefix name of the injectable class.
When true (the default), creates files at the top level of the project.
When true, applies lint fixes after generating the injectable class.
The name of the project
When true, does not create "spec.ts" test file.
--type (-t)
The suffix name of the injectable class. (default: service)
Interceptor schematic (deprecated)
The interceptor schematic is officially supported by angular/cli now.
This schematic creates a new generic interceptor definition that implements HttpInterceptor.
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:interceptor auth
# or
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:ic auth
CREATE /auth.interceptor.ts (385 bytes)
The options same as the service schematic except for --skip-test are available.
$ ng g @softoika/schematics:interceptor --help
Help for schematic @softoika/schematics:interceptor
Creates a new generic interceptor definition in the given or default project.
The name of the interceptor
When true (the default), creates files at the top level of the project.
When true, applies lint fixes after generating the interceptor.
The name of the project