SoftLedger UI Form Components
From src/Checkbox.jsx
Checkbox component using react-switch
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when toggled
value | Boolean
| | :x: | value of the component
From src/ErrorFormFeedback.jsx
Display errors underneath an input component
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
errors | Union<Array \| String>
| | :x: | List of errors to display, can be an array or string
Displays a dropzone for files Dropped files are displayed as a table with option to remove them individually
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
dropText | Union<String \| Object>
| 'Drag Here to upload'
| :x: | Text or JSX to display in the dropzone
files | Array
| | :x: | list of files to display, can leave blank to not have table shown
onDrop | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback for when a file is dropped
onRemove | Function
| | :x: | Callback for when a file is removed required if files prop is not blank
From src/Input.jsx
Thing wrapper on input tag Displays errors below input
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
className | String
| | :x: | additional classnames to add to input tag
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable input
errorText | Union<String \| Array>
| | :x: | Errors to display, should be a string or array of strings @type {[type]}
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Callback when updated
style | Object
| | :x: | Addition styles
type | String
| 'text'
| :x: | type of input
value | *
| | :x: | value of component
From src/SLDate.jsx
Date Input component
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
format | String
| :x: | How to Format the Presented Date
inputProps | Object
| | :x: | Additional props to add to the input
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when date is selected
openLeft | Boolean
| false
| :x: | offset to display calendar in pixels
timezone | String
| | :x: | Timezone to use for for display
value | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | Current date to display should be a string, Date(), or moment()
From src/SLDateRange.jsx
Input which allows user to pick a range of dates wrapper on react-dates
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
buttonText | String
| 'Filter'
| :x: | Text for button
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
endDate | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | value to use as end date
id | String
| | :white_check_mark: | Unique ID required
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when start or end date changes
startDate | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | value to use as startDate
From src/SLDateTime.jsx
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
dateFormat | String
| :x: | How to Format the Presented Date
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
inputProps | Object
| | :x: | Additional props to add to the input
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when date is selected
openLeft | Unknown
| false
| :x: |
timeFormat | Unknown
| 'HH:mm:ss'
| :x: |
timezone | String
| | :x: | Timezone to use for for display
value | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | Current date to display should be a string, Date(), or moment()
From src/SLForm.jsx
Form Component to display as a modal or not
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
Button | Function
| | :x: | Function that returns a button * this is passed a cb for the buttons onclick method toggle => Btn
fields | Object
| | :white_check_mark: | Form fields to display, should be JSX * recommended to use SLFormGroup wrapped components for best presentation
formInValid | Boolean
| | :x: | Set to true if the form is not valid this will disable the submit button
header | String
| | :x: | Header Text for Modal *required if notModal={false}
notModal | Boolean
| | :x: | Set true if the form should not be a modal
onSubmit | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Callback when form is submitted, expected to return Promise
onToggle | Function
| | :x: | callback for when the modal is toggled open
size | Enum('sm','md','lg','xl')
| | :x: | size of the modal
submitButton | Function
| | :x: | If notModal={true} a custom submit button may be used * this is passed a callback for submit and formInvalid (submit, invalid) => submit
From src/SLFormGroup.jsx
Wrapper for a form input which will display labels and align elements nicely in an SLForm
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
check | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Set to true if the input is a check or radio to display label correctly
helpText | String
| | :x: | Help text to display when hovering over help icon * useful for giving context to an input value
hideLabel | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Set true to hide the label component
input | Object
| | :white_check_mark: | Form Input JSX
label | String
| | :x: | Input Label Text
Select a country code in a dropdown
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when a country is selected
value | String
| | :x: | current selected country
From src/SimpleSelect.jsx
Simplified wrapper of react-select
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
errorText | Union<String \| Array>
| | :x: | Errors to display, should be a string or array of strings @type {[type]}
labelField | String
| 'label'
| :x: | object key to use as the label
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | callback when option selected
options | Array
| | :white_check_mark: | array of objects to choose from should have keys with value of valueField and labelField props
valueField | String
| '_id'
| :x: | object key to use for the value
From src/TextArea.jsx
Thing wrapper on textarea tag Displays errors below input
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
className | String
| | :x: | additional classnames to add to input tag
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | true to disable toggling
onChange | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Callback when updated
value | *
| | :x: | value of component