SoftLedger UI Components
Most of these components rely on Reactstrap
To add to your project:
yarn add reactstrap
yarn add @softledger/components
Then just import the component:
import { LoadingButton } from '@softledger/components';
From src/BoolDropDownMenuItem.jsx
Drop Down Menu Item which is toggled as either on/off on click Component is stateless, so toggle is handled up
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
onToggle | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Function to toggles the value
text | String
| | :white_check_mark: | Menu Item Text
toggle | Boolean
| | :x: | If false, will not toggle wrapped dropdown
value | Boolean
| | :x: | Current value
From src/ButtonBar.jsx
Displays a Row a buttons, propertly spaced
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
buttons | Array
| | :white_check_mark: | Array of buttons to show, in order
style | Object
| | :x: | Additional styles on the containing component
From src/CardValue.jsx
Displays a Card with a header and body
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
Body | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | Text or JSX to display in the body
Header | Union<String \| Object>
| | :x: | Text or JSX to display in the heaader
big | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Set true will pad header and body with extra space
style | Object
| | :x: | Extra styles to apply to container
From src/ChipButton.jsx
Displays a Pill shaped Button with text and an Icon
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
iconClass | String
| | :x: | FontAwesome Icon class name (make sure font awesome library is loaded)
onClick | Function
| | :x: | Function to call when clicked
style | Object
| | :x: | Additional styles to add to container
text | Union<String \| Object>
| | :white_check_mark: | Can be text or jsx
Button which, when clicked, displays a confirm modal
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
buttonClass | String
| 'btn-primary'
| :x: | Classes to apply to button "space separated" example: 'btn-success'
buttonText | String
| 'Submit'
| :x: | Text to display on the button
confirmBody | Union<String \| Object>
| 'Please Confirm'
| :x: | Text or JSX to show in modal body
confirmTitle | Union<String \| Object>
| 'Are you sure?'
| :x: | Text or JSX to show in modal header
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Whether the button is disabled
onConfirm | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Callback when modal is confirmed
style | Object
| | :x: | Additional styles to apply to the button
From src/DateFormat.jsx
Formats a date value consistently
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
date | Union<Object \| String>
| | :white_check_mark: | Can be a string, Date() or moment()
format | String
| :x: | Moment format specifier
From src/DropDownMenu.jsx
Thin wrapper on reactstrap DropdownMenu Toggle tag defaults to a font aweseom bars Controls toggle state
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
class | String
| | :x: | className to apply to DropDown container
openRight | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Should open on the right
toggleTag | Object
| <FontAwesomeIcon icon='bars' />
| :x: | Custom Tag
Multi-purpose button shows loading icon if onSubmit is promise based controls loading state
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
buttonClass | String
| 'btn-primary'
| :x: | Optional classNames to apply to the button
buttonText | String
| | :x: | Text to display on the button required if iconClass is not set
disabled | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Set to true to disable the button
iconClass | String
| | :x: | Font Awesome icon name to be used *if set buttonText is ignored
notPromise | Boolean
| false
| :x: | Specifies that the onClick function does not return a Promise
onClick | Function
| | :white_check_mark: | Callback for when the button is clicked *if it does not return a promise, set prop 'notPromise'={true}
toolTip | String
| | :x: | Text to display as a tooltip when the button is hovered
toolTipPlacement | Enum('left','right','top','bottom','topLeft','topRight','bottomLeft','bottomRight')
| 'top'
| :x: | Location the tooltip should appear
Loading Icon which displays the SoftLedger Log spinning
prop | type | default | required | description ---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
From src/SLLogo.jsx
SVG generated SoftLedger Logo
prop | type | default | required | description ---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
From src/TabView.jsx
Thin wrapper on reactstrap's Tabs
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
tabs | Array[]<Shape>
| | :white_check_mark: | Array of tabs to display
tabs[].Body | Object
| | :white_check_mark: | JSX to display as the tab content
tabs[].Header | String
| | :white_check_mark: | Tab Navigation Header Text
tabs[].onClick | Function
| | :x: | Optional callback when the tab is clicked useful for loading content
From src/ZeroPad.jsx
Pads texts with zeroes ('0')
- Can be text or integer
- If value.length > pad, no zeroes are added
- if value is null then '--' is displayed
prop | type | default | required | description
---- | :----: | :-------: | :--------: | -----------
pad | Number
| | :white_check_mark: |
value | Union<String \| Number>
| | :x: |