Kubeseal aes-gcm-rsa-oaep encryption implementaton in JavaScript
AES-GCM + RSA OAEP encryption
AES-GCM + RSA-OAEP encryption/decryption using WebCrypto API in NodeJS or in the browser
Tests uses @peculiar/webcrypto
for polyfilling browser crypto api.
This can be used to replace kubeseal encryption in JavaScript environments.
See demo : http://socialgouv.github.io/webseal
High level
import { encryptValue, encryptValues, getSealedSecret } from "@socialgouv/aes-gcm-rsa-oaep"
// encrypt single value
const encryptedValue = encryptValue({
pemKey: "somekey",
scope: "cluster",
namespace: "dev",
name: "my-secret",
value: "plain-value";
// encrypt multiple values
const encryptedValue = encryptValues({
pemKey: "somekey",
scope: "cluster",
namespace: "dev",
name: "my-secret",
values: {
value1: "plain1",
value2: "plain2"
// get sealed-secret
const sealedSecret = getSealedSecret({
pemKey: "somekey",
scope: "cluster",
namespace: "dev",
name: "my-secret",
values: {
value1: "plain1",
value2: "plain2"
Low level
import { pki } from 'node-forge';
import { HybridEncrypt, pemPublicKeyToCryptoKey } from '@socialgouv/aes-gcm-rsa-oaep';
const publicKeyPem = pki.publicKeyToPem(cert.publicKey);
const publicKey = await pemPublicKeyToCryptoKey(publicKeyPem);
const plainText = 'Bonjour le monde';
const label = Buffer.from('');
const result = await HybridEncrypt(publicKey, plainText, label);
const sealedText = Buffer.from(result).toString('base64');
Encryption Algorithm
To encrypt content, we go through the following steps :
Generate a 128 bits AES key
Encrypt the payload using the AES-GCM algorithm (with the previously generated key). We use a 12 bits of 0 as IV, because the key is only used once.
Encrypt the AES key using the RSA-OAEP algorithm (using the provided public key).
Generate the output payload this way : (RSA payload length as 2 bytes integer) || (RSA encrypted aes key) || (AES encrypted payload)