Typescript SDK for Snowflake automation protocol
Snowflake TypeScript SDK
Snowflake SDK provides services and a set of APIs used for interacting with the automation infrastructure of Snowflake on Solana blockchain. Learn more about Snowflake here.
Install with npm
npm i @snowflake-so/snowflake-sdk
Install with yarn
yarn add @snowflake-so/snowflake-sdk
Quick start guide
Initialize Snowflake
To create a new Snowflake service, we would need to initialize with the Provider.
// if your Anchor version is older than 0.24.2,
// please use Snowflake SDK version 1.0.11 and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = Provider.local(API_URL);
// if your Anchor version is 0.24.2 or later,
// please use the latest version of Snowflake SDK and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = AnchorProvider.local(API_URL);
is the endpoint to the Solana cluster. Empty API_URL is pointed to the local testnet
- Mainnet Beta:
- Testnet:
- Devnet:
let snowflake: Snowflake = new Snowflake(provider);
Build an once-off scheduled job
With Snowflake SDK, you can create a job with two line of code.
const job = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world")
await snowflake.createJob(job);
Build a recurring scheduled job
Schedule a job that runs every minute for 10 times.
const job = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world")
.scheduleCron("* * * * *", 10)
await snowflake.createJob(job);
Schedule a job that runs at 10:00 AM on the first day of every month .
const job = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world")
.scheduleCron("0 10 1 * *")
await snowflake.createJob(job);
Build a program condition triggered job
Schedule a job that is triggered based on an arbitrary condition defined within the user program.
const job = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world")
await snowflake.createJob(job);
Build a self-funded job
Self-funded job will take an account to pay fees on its own by using the initial fund. Fee account is no longer used for paying the job's fee.
const job = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world")
.initialFund(100000) // 1000000 lamports
await snowflake.createJob(job)
Update a job
await snowflake.updateJob(jobPubkey);
Delete a job
await snowflake.deleteJob(jobPubkey);
Fetch Job by public key
await snowflake.fetch(jobPubkey);
Fetch Job by owner
await snowflake.fetchByOwner(owner);
Get Snowflake PDA
await snowflake.getSnowflakePDAForUser(userPublicKey);
Deposit fee account
await snowflake.depositFeeAccount(lamports);
import { JobBuilder, Snowflake } from "@snowflake-so/snowflake-sdk";
import { Provider } from "@project-serum/anchor";
/** Initialize a Snowflake service on Devnet **/
const API_URL: string = "https://api.devnet.solana.com";
const provider: Provider = new Provider(API_URL);
const snowflake: Snowflake = new Snowflake();
async function main() {
/** Create a sample instruction **/
const instructions = [
programId: new PublicKey("ETwBdF9X2eABzmKmpT3ZFYyUtmve7UWWgzbERAyd4gAC"),
data: Buffer.from("74b89fceb3e0b22a", "hex"),
keys: [
pubkey: new PublicKey("5jo4Lh2Z9FGQ87sDhUBwZjNZdL15MwdeT5WUXKfwFSZY"),
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
/** Create a new once-off scheduled job **/
const onceOffJob = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("once-off job")
// Timestamp: Monday, 28-Feb-22 07:41:02 UTC
const onceOffJobTxID = await snowflake.createJob(onceOffJob);
console.log("Create a recurring job with txId: " + onceOffJobTxID);
/** Create a new recurring scheduled job **/
const recurringJob = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("recurring job")
.scheduleCron("* * * * *")
// Every minute
const recurringJobTxID = await snowflake.createJob(recurringJob);
console.log("Create a recurring job with txId: " + recurringJobTxID);
/** Fetch an once-off job **/
const fetchedOnceOffJob = await snowflake.fetch(onceOffJob.pubkey);
// Build from an existing job
const updatedJob = new JobBuilder()
.jobName("hello world 2")
.scheduleCron("0 * * * *", 2)
/** Update a job **/
await snowflake.updateJob(updatedJob);
/** Delete a job **/
await snowflake.deleteJob(job.pubKey);
/** Get Snowflake PDA for user **/
const walletAddress: PublicKey = provider.wallet.publicKey;
await snowflake.getSnowflakePDAforUser(walletAddress);
/** Deposit to fee account (5000000 lamports) **/
await snowflake.depositFeeAccount(5000000);
Struggle with the SDK integration?
If you have any problem with using the SDK in your system, drop a question our Snowflake Discord #sdk
to receive a support from our engineers.
Find a bug? Find a new idea for Snowflake?
If you find a bug or have any problem and idea while using the SDK, you can create an issue on Snowflake SDK Github.