Snowflake Safe SDK - Interact with multisig wallets on Snowflake Safe
Snowflake Safe SDK
Snowflake Safe SDK provides an easy way to interact with the Snowflake Safe app and onchain programs
Install with npm
npm i @snowflake-so/safe-sdk
Install with yarn
yarn add @snowflake-so/safe-sdk
Quick start guide
Initialize Snowflake
To create a new Snowflake service, we would need to initialize with the Provider.
// if your Anchor version is older than 0.24.2,
// please use Snowflake SDK version 1.0.11 and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = Provider.local(API_URL);
// if your Anchor version is 0.24.2 or later,
// please use the latest version of Snowflake SDK and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = AnchorProvider.local(API_URL);
is the endpoint to the Solana cluster. Empty API_URL is pointed to the local testnet
- Mainnet Beta:
- Testnet:
- Devnet:
let snowflakeSafe: SnowflakeSafe = new SnowflakeSafe(provider);
Fetch safe
Fetch safe onchain information by safe address
await snowflakeSafe.fetchSafe(safeAddress);
Fetch proposals of safe
Fetch all onchain proposals of the safe
await snowflakeSafe.fetchAllProposals(safeAddress);
Fetch proposal
Fetch onchain proposal information
await snowflakeSafe.fetchProposal(proposalAddress);
Fetch owned safes
Fetch all safes that the provided wallet owned
await snowflakeSafe.fetchOwnedSafes(ownerAddress);
Create a new safe
Create a new safe with one owner and approvals required as one
const input = {
approvalsRequired: 1,
owners: [owner],
const [newSafeAddress, txId] = await snowflakeSafe.createSafe(
Create a new proposal
Create a new proposal that can be executed by any safe owners
const response = await snowflakeSafe.createProposal(safeAddress, 'hello world', instructions);
Create a new recurring proposal
Create a new recurring proposal that can be executed automatically by Snowflake node operators
const proposal = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('0 0 * * *')
const [newProposalAddress, txId] = await snowflakeSafe.createRecurringProposal(
Create a proposal with large payload
In production, there is proposal created with multiple actions which has bunches of accounts. This method is used to solve the issue
const [newProposalAddress] = await snowflakeSafe.createProposal(
'hello world',
true // Set separatedActions parameter to true
Update an existing safe
Add owner proposal
The method will create a new instruction to propose adding new owner to the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createAddOwnerProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newOwner);
Remove owner proposal
The method will create a new instruction to propose removing an existing owner from the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createRemoveOwnerProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newOwner);
Change threshold proposal
The method will create a new instruction to propose changing threshold of the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createChangeThresholdProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newThreshold);
Approve a proposal
await snowflakeSafe.approveProposal(flowAddress);
Reject a proposal
await snowflakeSafe.rejectProposal(flowAddress);
Execute a proposal
await snowflakeSafe.executeProposal(flowAddress);
Abort a recurring proposal
await snowflakeSafe.abortRecurringProposal(flowAddress);
Build an once-off scheduled job
With Snowflake SDK, you can create a job with two line of code.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
Build a recurring scheduled job
Schedule a job that runs every minute for 10 times.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('* * * * *', 10)
Schedule a job that runs at 10:00 AM on the first day of every month .
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('0 10 1 * *')
Build a program condition triggered job
Schedule a job that is triggered based on an arbitrary condition defined within the user program.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
Struggle with the SDK integration?
If you have any problem with using the SDK in your system, drop a question our Snowflake Discord #sdk to receive a support from our engineers.
Find a bug or want to contribute to Snowflake?
If you find a bug or have any problem and idea while using the SDK, you can create an issue on SDK Github.
Apache Version 2.0