Easier WebGL animations for websites
Small and flexible WebGL library with only the absolute basics: Camera, Mesh (incl. Plane), Shaders, Textures, Uniforms.
yarn add @smoovy/webgl
npm install --save @smoovy/webgl
Import the WebGL
class as usual:
import { WebGL } from '@smoovy/webgl';
Create a context
const webgl = new WebGL();
This adds a plane in the center of the screen and manipulates it
const plane = webgl.plane({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 1,
height: 1,
originX: 0.5,
originY: 0.5,
density: 10
// move plane
plane.x = 2;
plane.y = 2;
plane.z = 5;
// resize plane
plane.width = .5;
plane.height = .5;
// change origin
plane.originX = 0;
plane.originY = 0;
A default perspective camera will be created automatically. You can access it via wegbl.renderer.camera
. You can create mutliple cameras like this:
const camera1 = webgl.camera({ fov: 30});
const camera2 = webgl.camera({ fov: 30, near: .5, far: 50 });
Assign a camera to a mesh
Meshes will fallback to the default camera. You can overwrite it with the camera
webgl.plane({ ..., camera: camera1 });
webgl.plane({ ..., camera: camera2 });
Uniforms are availbale on all meshes through the uniforms
const plane = webgl.plane({
uniforms: {
u_color: [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] // make it red
// change color to red
plane.uniforms.u_color[0] = 1;
plane.uniforms.u_color[1] = 0;
Uniform type detection
Types are mostly autodetected, but can be forced in cases of ambiguity (e.g. mat2 and vec4)
const plane = webgl.plane({
uniforms: {
// automatically converted to vec4
// not defined in uniformTypes
u_mat2: [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniformTypes: {
// force mat2 type on `u_mat2` uniform
u_mat2: 'm2'
Optional uniforms
If WebGL can't find a uniform you'll get a warning in the console. To prevent this you can mark the uniform as optional and prevent warnings/errors.
const plane = webgl.plane({
uniformOptionals: {
// ignore warning and errros
// if not defined in mesh
u_color: true
If no shaders are defined it will fall back to the default shader. You can override the default shader like this:
const plane = webgl.plane({
vertex: `#version 300 es
in vec4 a_position;
uniform mat4 u_proj;
uniform mat4 u_view;
uniform mat4 u_model;
void main() {
gl_Position = u_proj * u_view * u_model * a_position;
fragment: `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform vec4 u_color;
void main() {
fragColor = u_color;
Image and video textures are supported out-of-the-box. and can be created like this:
webgl.image({ src: '/path/to/image.jpg' });
webgl.video({ src: '/path/to/video.mp4' });
// extended configuration
unpackFlip: false,
minFilter: webgl.ctx.LINEAR,
wrapS: webgl.ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
wrapT: webgl.ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
Attach to meshes
You can just pass the texture to the mesh via texture
const plane = webgl.plane({
textures: webgl.image({ src: '/path/to/image.jpg' })
This will be named to
in the fragment shader.
You can attach multiple textures to one mesh like this:
const plane = webgl.plane({
textures: {
base: webgl.image({ src: '/path/to/image.jpg' }),
depth: webgl.image({ src: '/path/to/depth.png' })
All textures will be prefixed with
. Sobase
will beu_texture_base
for example.
Preloading image textures
Preloading textures can be done by either creating the texture, which will immediately load it or preload the image first like this:
import { TextureMediaLoader } from '@smoovy/webgl';
This will load the image into the media cache and used when a texture requests it.
Screen Coordinate Mapping
Usually coordinates (x,y) and sizes of meshes are provided in clips space coordinates. You can use screen
on meshes to map screen coordinats (px) to clip space coordinates automatically.
const plane = webgl.plane({
x: 500,
y: 500,
width: 100,
height: 100,
// this will convert x, y, width and height to
// clip space before passing them to the shader
// program. It'll render a 100x100px square at
// the position (500, 500).
screen: true
// all following transformations will be
// converted as well automatically
plane.x = 100;
plane.y = 100;
plane.width = 300;
plane.height = 300;
Important: The z-coordinate will not be converted to px values and will always be in clip space
Manually convert values
Converting the coordinates happens through the camera. With these methods you can convert px to clip space coordinates and sizes
camera.ch(100) // -> 100px height to clip space
camera.cw(100) // -> 100px width to clip space
camera.cx(100) // -> 100px on the x-axis
camera.cy(100) // -> 100px on the y-axis
With this method you can basically apply "scrolling" by moving the camera with this conversion like this:
window.onscroll = () => {
camera.x = camera.cw(window.scrollX);
camera.y = camera.ch(window.scrollY);
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