<p align="center"> <img src="https://cdn.heroengage.com/merchants/flowers/images/smartgift-logo-web.svg" width="450"> </p>
SmartCheckout contains two apps as Dashboard and Recipient and a common frontend UI Kit for SmartGift. The project allows merchants to sent their products with email, sms or link.
Dashboard is a app that allows brands to create the campaigns and sent them to the customers and it shows selling analytics.
Recipient is a app that transforms users to product buying links.
ui is a common frontend UI Kit for SmartGift.
# Workspace Applications
- smart-checkout-recipient
- smart-checkout-dashboard
# Installation
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/SmartGiftEngineering/smartgift-frontend-workspace.git
Go to the project directory
cd smartgift-frontend-workspace
Install dependencies
Start the recipient server
yarn scr:dev
Start the dashboard server
yarn scd:dev
Open the address on your browser for the recipient app
Real => http:/localhost:4200/campaign?recipientCode=Q9WCQWC5V0M1&campaignCode=FKMCRLPNFFB8&selectedSku=97564G
Demo => http:/localhost:4200/campaign?campaignCode=FKMCRLPNFFB8&selectedSku=97564G
Open the address on your browser for the dashboard app
# Tech Stacks
# Abbreviations
- sc === SmartCheckout
- scr === smart-checkout-recipient
- scd === smart-checkout-dashboard
- ui === smartgift-ui-library
# Scripts
Based on the application shortcuts, you can use these scripts
- yarn appName:dev => You can develop your development with this script
- yarn appName:build => You can get build of appName lib
- yarn appName:lint => You can lint your code
- yarn ui:lint:fix => You can fix lint errors
- yarn appName:test => You can test your code
Example: yarn scr:dev
# Environment Variables
You can look at the file which name is '.env.example' on root
# How to create a merchant
- go to
, then copy and paste a merchant folder and rename it with your merchant name (after your merge this merchant data will be in the S3 bucket as json) - add your merchant domain to the 'MERCHANT_LIST' variable in the '.env' file. by this convention:
'DOMAIN_NAME:MERCHANT_NAME' (ex: '1800flowers.smart-checkout.co:1800flowers')
# Contributing
Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing.md
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
# Applications / Environments
## 1800flowers
- uat => https://1800flowers.uat.smart-checkout.co
- prod => https://1800flowers.smart-checkout.co
## Smartwool
- uat => https://smartwool.uat.smart-checkout.co
- prod => https://smartwool.smart-checkout.co
# Deployment
To deploy this project on UAT, follow these instructions and AWS UI.
git checkout uat
git pull origin uat
git pull YOUR_BRANCH
git push origin uat
To deploy this project on Production, you need to merge all of your branched to master
branch. It will be an automatic deployment. Also, you can check the AWS UI.
# Documentation
# Features
- Multiple Theme
- Live previews
- CDN configs, theme, language
# Feedback & Support
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]