## References
Smart View Context
These packages must be updated in case of a new version:
- There are no references yet
How to use
First you must install the @smartbit4all/session in order to use this package.
Secondly, you must install the @smartbit4all/authentication in order to use this package.
Go to your project, open the terminal and use the following command:
npm i @smartbit4all/view-context
Then import it in the AppModule:
import { SmartViewContextModule, SmartViewContextService } from '@smartbit4all/view-context';
declarations: [...]
imports: [
providers: [
If you have installed and done the required steps to use the SmartSessionService and SmartAuthentication, please complete the generated AuthenticationService with these new features belove.
However, if you have not, please follow the guides of the @smartbit4all/session and @smartbit4all/authentication.
In order to use this package properly, please create a folder called viewcontext
in which a view-context.pages.model.ts
shall be created:
- src/app/viewcontext/
- view-context.pages.ts
- view-context.handlers.ts
export enum Pages {
// mandatory
VIEW_CONTEXT = 'viewContextUuid',
// optionals
ANY_PAGE = 'anyPage',
ANY_DIALOG = 'anyDialog,
ANY_COMPONENT = 'anyComponent,
import { SmartViewHandlerModel, ViewType } from '@smartbit4all/view-context';
import { Pages } from './view-context.pages';
import { AnyDialogService } from '../any-dialog/any-dialog.service';
export const viewContextHandlers: SmartViewHandlerModel[] = [
// ViewType.Normal
name: Pages.ANY_PAGE,
route: 'any'
// ViewType.Dialog
name: Pages.ANY_DIALOG,
component: AnyDialogComponent
// ViewType.Normal or ViewType.Dialog
name: Pages.ANY_COMPONENT,
route: 'any',
component: AnyComponent
Don't forget to define some ApiErrors and inject it into the AuthenticationService:
const viewContextApiErrors: SmartViewContextApiErrors = {
viewContextApiErrors: [
code: "001",
dialogTitle?: "Error"
message: "An error message"
buttonLabel?: "Ok"
The AuthenticationService must be prepared to use the SmartViewContextService. The ">>>" marks the snippets you have to add.
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthenticationService {
>>> headersUpdated: Subject<void> = new Subject();
>>> bffApisHaveBeenSetUp: boolean = false;
// The value of this property has to match with the one in the backend.
>>> messageDialogViewName: string = "messageDialog";
>>> private viewContext: SmartViewContextService,
>>> private anyBffApi: AnyBffApiService,
>>> private platformLocation: PlatformLocation
) {
>>> this.viewContext.setViewHandlers(viewContextHandlers);
>>> this.viewContext.setViewApiErrors(viewContextApiErrors);
>>> this.viewContext.setMessageDialogName(this.messageDialogViewName);
// set up SmartSessionService
>>> this.url = (this.platformLocation as any).location.origin + '/api';
>>> this.viewContext.setUrl(this.url);
>>> this.setBffApis();
>>> private setBffApis(): void {
this.anyBffApi.configuration.basePath = this.url;
>>> private updateHeaderOfBffApi(bffApi: any): void {
bffApi.defaultHeaders = this.session.setUpDefaultHeaders(bffApi.defaultHeaders);
async startSession(): Promise<void> {
>>> this.session.apiCanBeSetUp.subscribe(() => {
>>> this.updateHeaderOfBffApi(this.anyBffApi);
>>> ...
>>> // Replace anyBffApi with the first bffApi you set up above
>>> if (this.anyBffApi.defaultHeaders.get(Pages.VIEW_CONTEXT)) {
>>> this.bffApisHaveBeenSetUp = true;
>>> }
>>> this.headersUpdated.next();
>>> });
await this.session.initialize();
>>> let isAuthenticated = await this.session.getIsAuthenticated();
>>> if (isAuthenticated) {
>>> let uuid = this.viewContext.getUuidOfPage(Pages.VIEW_CONTEXT);
>>> await this.viewContext.initialize(uuid);
>>> this.viewContext.getAndSyncViewContext(uuid);
>>> }
async login(request: LocalAuthenticationLoginRequest): Promise<boolean> {
await this.auth.login(request);
let isAuth = await this.session.getIsAuthenticated();
if (isAuth) {
>>> await this.viewContext.initialize();
>>> await this.anyBffApi.startAnyPage().toPromise();
>>> let uuid = this.viewContext.getUuidOfPage(Pages.VIEW_CONTEXT);
>>> await this.viewContext.getAndSyncViewContext(uuid);
return isAuth;
In order to use SmartLinks in your application, follow the instruction:
Firstly, set up the routing:
const routes: Routes = [
// Out of the box solution
path: `redirect/:${SmartLinkChannelVariableInPath}/:${SmartLinkUuidVariableInPath}`,
component: SmartViewRedirect,
// Custom solution
path: `customRedirect/:${SmartLinkChannelVariableInPath}/:${SmartLinkUuidVariableInPath}`,
component: RedirectComponent,
Then you can set up your custom redirect component as you wish:
selector: "app-redirect",
templateUrl: "./redirect.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./redirect.component.css"],
export class RedirectComponent extends SmartViewRedirect {
service: SmartViewContextService,
navigation: SmartNavigationService,
route: ActivatedRoute
) {
Then subscribe for the openSmartLink event and handle it in your AuthenticationService:
constructor(...) {
this.viewContext.openSmartLink.subscribe(() => {
private async handleOpenSmartLinkEvent(): Promise<void> {
// Do your business logic here
// If authentication is needed to open the link:
let isAuthenticated = await this.isAuthenticated();
if (isAuthenticated) {
} else {
// Navigate to login screen without reloading the site!
// Modify this if authentication is needed to open links
async login(request: LocalAuthenticationLoginRequest): Promise<boolean> {
await this.auth.login(request);
let isAuth = await this.session.getIsAuthenticated();
if (isAuth) {
await this.viewContext.initialize();
await this.anyBffApi.startAnyPage().toPromise();
// If there is a smart link waiting for opening...
if (this.viewContext.isOpeningSmartLink) {
return isAuth;
let uuid = this.viewContext.getUuidOfPage(Pages.VIEW_CONTEXT);
await this.viewContext.getAndSyncViewContext(uuid);
return isAuth;
The ViewContext package contains a common manager for the UiActions. To use this tool, please follow the instructions.
import {
} from '@smartbit4all/view-context';
// Build your own action descriptors
export const ActionDescriptors: Map<string, UiActionDescriptor> = new Map([
title: 'Example action',
type: UiActionButtonType.Raised,
color: 'primary',
dialog: {
title: 'Example dialog title',
text: 'Example dialog text',
actionButton: {
caption: 'Example action',
color: 'primary'
cancelButton: {
caption: 'Cancel',
color: ''
inputDialog: { ... },
confirmDialog: { ... },
feedbackType: UiActionFeedbackType.SNACKBAR;
feedbackText: "Example feedback";
constructor(...) {
// Set your descriptors
// Set basic feedback
this.viewContext.commonFeedbackText = "Basic feedback."
selector: 'app-example',
templateUrl: './example.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent implements UseUiAction {
possibleActions: UiAction[]; // Comes from the backend
actions: UiActionModel[] = [];
// UseUiAction properties
submit: Subject<void> = new Subject();
reSubscribeToChange: Subject<void> = new Subject();
constructor(private service: ExampleService) {}
// UseUiAction functions
getAdditionalParams(uiAction: UiAction): UiActionAdditionalParams {
// return additional parameters if needed
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
getModel() {
// return the model of the page
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
async performUiActionRequest(uiActionRequest: UiActionRequest): Promise<any> {
// perform the uiActionRequest on the proper service
await this.service.performAction(uiActionRequest)
handleSpecificDemandsAsynchronously(uiAction: UiAction): Promise<UiActionSpecificDemandResponse> {
// handle specific demands if needed
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
// Construct
constructActions(): void {
this.actions = [];
let exceptions = ['EXCEPTION'];
this.possibleActions.map((uiAction: UiAction) => {
serviceToUse: this, // bind a class which implements the UseUiAction
exception: exceptions.includes(uiAction.code!)
<smart-ui-action-toolbar [uiActionModels]="actions"></smart-ui-action-toolbar>
Version logs
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.5.1
Type: Update
Requires "@smartbit4all/dialog": "^1.1.0".
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.5.0
Type: Update
From now on the @smartbit4all/view-context
includes a new module which manages the UiActions.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.4.14
Type: Update
This update contains a solutions for the viewContext error handling after session expiration.
How to use:
In your project your authentication service must implement the SmartViewContextHandlerService interface. After that inject the authentication service into the SmartViewContextService with the setViewContextHandlerService function.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.4.9
Type: Update
The UiAction
interface got a new property:
export interface UiAction {
* Additional parameters for executing the UI action.
params?: { [key: string]: any; };
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.4.7
Type: Bugfix
Simultaneously opened dialogs could cause an issue when closing them.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.4.1
Type: Update
The SmartRedirectConfiguration
has been removed.
The SmartViewRedirect
became to a component.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.4.0
Type: Update
Opening a page in our website using a custom link became as easy as it should be.
To apply this new functionality in your application, follow the instructions above.
New type has been introduced:
This SmartRedirectConfiguration
interface is designed to directly set the path variable names for the SmartViewRedirect
export interface SmartRedirectConfiguration {
channelInUrl: string;
uuidInUrl: string;
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.3.3
Type: Update
The UiActionInputType
enum got a new option: Textarea.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.3.2
Type: Update
New feature introduced: getViewConstraint
Gets related constraints by the uuid of the page.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.3.1
Type: Update
Major changes have been made in the models:
- The original
has been renamed toViewContextData
- The new
is only for backend purposes - The
no longer contains the property parameters - The
got a new property: message?: MessageData;
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.2.6
Type: Update
New type introduced: UiActionRequest
Some of the existing objects have been changed:
no longer contains apiName and apiFunctionViewData
got a model property
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.2.5
Type: Update
New types introduced: ViewConstraint
and ComponentConstraint
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.2.4
Type: Update
New type introduced: UiActionSource
The UiAction
got an identifier property.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.2.0
Type: Feature
This version extends the basic features of the SmartViewContext
with built-in error handling.
In case of an error, the backend has to return a ViewApiError
with the error code 409.
export interface ViewApiError {
code?: string;
message?: string;
The package uses an interceptor which catches this error and shows it in a dialog. The settings of the error dialogs can be injected into the SmartViewContextService
, just like the SmartViewHandlerModel.
export interface SmartViewContextApiError {
code: string;
dialogTitle?: string;
message: string;
buttonLabel?: string;
customAction?: () => void;
export interface SmartViewContextApiErrors {
viewContextApiErrors: Array<SmartViewContextApiError>;
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.1.0
Type: Feature
This update contains a new function which help to show and handle messages provided by the ViewContext. The flow is thoroughly handled by this package.
Type: Update
From now on the uuid parameter of the getAndSyncViewContext
function is optional.
public async getAndSyncViewContext(uuid?: string): Promise<void> {
if (!uuid) {
uuid = this.getUuidOfPage(this.tabIdName);
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.8
Type: Feature
In this update SmartViewContextService
got a new Subject property (viewContextHasBeenSynced) which emits an event when the syncView was called.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.7
Type: Feature
In this update SmartViewContextService
got a new functionality which helps to restore the opened view data after a refresh:
public restoreViews(): void
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.6
Type: Feature
In this update SmartViewContextService
got a new functionality which helps to get the ViewData
object by page name:
public async getViewContextDataByPageName(pageName: string): Promise<ViewData>
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.5
Type: Feature
In this update SmartViewContextService
got a new functionality which helps to detect uuid changes of certain pages.
public uuidOfPageHasBeenChanged: Subject<string> = new Subject();
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.4
Type: Bugfix
ViewContextUUID was not added to HeaderParameters when the viewContext was initialized as an existing one.
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.3
Type: Bugfix
Two bug has been fixed in this update:
- The addig header parameters to SmartSession
- Routing with query parameters
@smartbit4all/view-context v1.0.1
Type: Update
The package has been published.
@smartbit4all/view-context v0.1.2
Type: Feature
In this update several changes have been done:
- model changes
- function publicity changes
- function implementation
Model changes
The SmartViewHandlerModel
has been rethinked, hence the service property has been changed to component, while the type has been removed.
export interface SmartViewHandlerModel {
name: string;
route?: string;
component?: ComponentType<any>;
Function publicity changes
In the SmartViewContextService
the publicity of the openView and closeView has been changed from private to public.
Function implementation
The closeView has been implemented, however, it only closes dialogs.
public closeView(view: ViewData): void {
let viewHandler: SmartViewHandlerModel | undefined = this.viewHandlers.find(
(handler) => handler.name === view.viewName
if (!viewHandler) {
throw new Error(`SmartViewHandlerModel was not found by view name: ${view.viewName}`);
if (view.type === ViewType.Dialog) {
} else if (view.type === ViewType.Normal) {
// TODO: close normal page???
} else {
throw new Error("The type of the view and its viewHandler is not the same!");
view.state = ViewState.Closed;
this.openedViewUuids.slice(this.openedViewUuids.indexOf(view.uuid), 1);
updates: [
state: ViewState.Closed,
uuid: view.uuid,
uuid: this.viewContext?.uuid,
@smartbit4all/view-context v0.1.1
Type: Feature
The SmartViewContext has been created.